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RE: Wifi Networks Security Levels

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In my region, I earn only about $2 per month after using the Brave Browser several hours a day, every day. For me, that is a poor reason to give up a lot of your privacy (to Uphold) just to receive the small reward.

This is my opinion based on my experience. Thanks for reading.

 4 years ago  

The rewards for looking at advertising are quite low. But let's think about it, our effort is minimal in this regard. We should only use our browser routinely and eventually, a small advertising notification window will open, which we will see only if we decide to do so.

I have received the highest number of BATs through the referral system. This gives us the opportunity to earn considerable rewards by sharing our links and getting other people to join the brave experience.
If you want you can see this article of mine:

How Was My 2019 Using Brave Browser? - 180 BAT in Earnings!!!

c.c: @ramsesuchiha.