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RE: HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY : Topics To Be Discussed In Good Relations...!!!!!

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

It is your job to solve your problem. I am not the individual you scammed. You should reach out to the people you scammed and rectify. I will be watching.

Just remember, I know what you are thinking, BEFORE you are thinking. If you lie you will find yourself between rock and a hard place.

Also do not write indirect things. You may think you are smart and will deflect the allegations that way. But there are always smarter people than you. Also I talk to everyone you talk to. There is no place to hide in the blockchain.

Everyone says they are here for 3 years, 4 years and 'serving' to community! Bullshit. You staying here for 3 or 4 years will not give you any additional points to me. If I take out all your rewards, there won't be any reason for you to stay here.


Hello @azircon,

Please apologize for jumping in this comments thread, this is the only way I found to contact you.

I'm looking for support to fund HiveBuzz gamification proposal. The proposal is really close to being funded and your help might be very helpful.

Feel free to contact me on Discord or Telegram if you have any question or feedback to provide.

Thank you.