HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY : Topics To Be Discussed In Good Relations...!!!!!

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

The key to a healthy relationship is to communicate well with your partner. For some reason, many people do not know how to communicate with the other person. But you should try to devote time to some of the topics that need to be discussed so that the foundation of your relationship remains solid all the time and does not get worse from day to day.


1. Chat About Your Daily Activities

Your conversations do not always have to be very important and serious. You can tell your lover or spouse about your daily activities. You can get up in the morning and talk about what you eat at lunch, and tell your colleagues or employees what you are talking about during the day. So, in short, you can help him understand what you are doing without spending time with your partner.

2. Talk About Your Budget

You can discuss what you should be careful about, and where to spend your money. If you have material goals, you can share your strategies with your partner to reach your goals.

3. Talk About Places You Want To Discover

You can visit and talk about the places you want to see. For example; The conversations you would like to go to countries you don't see or want to go on a world tour will also help open many new chat topics.

4. Tell Your Emotional Developments

You can share some developments in your feelings. For example; in some matters, you can share that you think you are less sensitive or think smart or that you realize that you are more merciful. You can even share the emotional developments you see with your spouse.

5. Share Your Individual Goals

You can set your goals as you want to lose weight, how to cook different cultures or learn different dance styles, and discuss this with your spouse.

6. Talk About Your Beliefs

You can have a talk about your beliefs. You should be willing to listen to your partner's beliefs. Even if your partner's beliefs show similarities or differences with your beliefs, you should be open to such conversations.


7. Chat About What You Watch on TV

Although watching television together does not affect the development of your relationship in a good way, your comments about what you watch can be a door that will open up to different topics of conversation.

8. Talk About Your Political Views

Even if you don't have political ideas, you can talk about politics. If you open a topic about political events, you can be sure that you will have more information about your partner's views. In a healthy relationship, even if your views with your spouse do not intersect at the same point, you should respect his views and let him share with you.

9. You Should Address Your Goals

Share the point you want your relationship to reach with your partner. The conversations about the future are at the core of every healthy relationship. For example; Speaking about the issues such as you want to help the orphanage with your spouse or you need to earn enough money to buy a new car, and to take action will play an important role in increasing your togetherness.

10. Talk About Your History

Your partner does not need to know your embarrassing secrets. However, sharing information about your past will be useful to both of you. You can talk about your childhood years, your past experiences, or the difficult ways you have overcome, and what you have learned from them or how many years you have overcome them.

11. Talk About Your Values

Talking about the things you care about is really important to your partner. Tell your priorities in life. It is very important for the person in front of you to give information about your job, family, education, friends and explain how you spend your free time. Talking about what kind of issues you value and what kind of changes you want to make in your life will be an indicator of what you care about in your life.


12. Don't be Afraid to Tell Your Dreams

Dreaming together can be a very enjoyable activity for your relationship. You can also talk about the dreams you had as a child, where your dreams carried you and your dreams you still want to realize.

13. Express Your Feelings

Expressing your feelings clearly and clearly is the key to communicating with your partner. Feel free to share your joys and pains. Also, don't be afraid to share your frustrated, broken or hesitant issues with it.

14. Tell Your Family

Whether you have close relationships with your parents, siblings or not, your conversations about the value of the family structure can be beneficial for your relationship. This behavior will have a feel for your spouse, your parents, siblings and how you have a relationship, and your spouse will also have an idea of what kind of a childhood you have had. During your partnership with your spouse, you can talk about what values and attitudes you want to maintain in your relationship with your parents, siblings and what you want to be different.

15. Talk About Your Relationship

Be sure to discuss your perspective on your relationship and the topic that is not suitable for you while chatting right now. By talking openly about your relationship, you can keep your relationship fresh, alive and exciting.

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The Hive Blockchain has been alive for somewhat more than a month, and we previously demonstrated as a network that decentralization and collaboration is a principle factor to pull in new clients, speculators, engineers and substance customers.

Another key factor for this, particularly for content makers and substance buyers is Engagement and association at post level... furthermore, let's be honest, the remark commitment in your normal Hive post isn't perfect.

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If you spam and scam on this chain Aditya; i will be you biggest enemy. And trust me you do not want me as your enemy. Come out clean please; otherwise you life here will be non-existent. This is not a threat. It’s a fact.

@azircon obviously , I am an doing my best to solve and rectify each things. Their is some misunderstanding regarding the same. So I am doing my best part to do so I have invested my 3 years here. For betterment and supporting the community.

Why would I spoil my own hard work doing something like that. And that to for small 2 hive. Intention was clear but this has created a some issues. I have explained also in the reply. I am that kind of person , if I am not legit why would I am doing to solve and rectify each things. Because I also want to support this community.

Their is nothing thing in this world which cannot be solve by talking. And I am doing that only solving each things. Only legit person will do that. 🙂 Try to understand and solve each things and rectify it.

It is your job to solve your problem. I am not the individual you scammed. You should reach out to the people you scammed and rectify. I will be watching.

Just remember, I know what you are thinking, BEFORE you are thinking. If you lie you will find yourself between rock and a hard place.

Also do not write indirect things. You may think you are smart and will deflect the allegations that way. But there are always smarter people than you. Also I talk to everyone you talk to. There is no place to hide in the blockchain.

Everyone says they are here for 3 years, 4 years and 'serving' to community! Bullshit. You staying here for 3 or 4 years will not give you any additional points to me. If I take out all your rewards, there won't be any reason for you to stay here.

Hello @azircon,

Please apologize for jumping in this comments thread, this is the only way I found to contact you.

I'm looking for support to fund HiveBuzz gamification proposal. The proposal is really close to being funded and your help might be very helpful.

Feel free to contact me on Discord or Telegram if you have any question or feedback to provide.

Thank you.

 4 years ago  

@tipu curate

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