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RE: In your strive to satisfy customers, never go overboard.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Very good your recommendations, as it is said here in my country, the client must be satisfied and attended according to their requirements, in the end the clients are the indispensable source of the businessman.

A friendly recommendation is that you can provide a clear link to the sources of your images, since the link you provide leads directly to google where it is difficult to find exactly the image you used.

My recommendation is that you can use public domain images in your articles, for example a very good page is Pixabay, here is a link so you can check Pixabay, the important thing is that the images provided here are public domain. Greetings and thanks for sharing your good business and entrepreneurial experiences.


Oh, thanks a lot for the corrections and suggestions, it is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your kindness and receptivity.

My humble pleasure.

 4 years ago  

hi @carlos84

You've asked me about your own opinion on that topic. The problem is that I do not have an opinion and I think it's not my place to be educating people on this particular issue.

I personally don't think it changes anything at all if we share source to picture which we use. But that's just me.