It doesn't have to be fair !

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


All the pictures are taken from and edited by me!
All are free for commercial use and no attribution required!

Do you see that mountain and the nature arround ? Isn't that beautiful ? I think yes. Is it fair to live there ? I don't think so !

Imagine taking someone from the city and letting him/her there in an unknown place. We may think that this person will not survive because there is no way back and it's hard to find there a food or a watter. But what if that human is already tired from the modern life and wants just to rest in peace or just he/she may live alone there a full life and may find people who live arround and enjoy a healthy life with them together. We don't really know what will happen to someone in such situation.


You may say that the nature is not fair and it's impossible to survive there. But, some animals survive there and maybe even some people who didn't like to join the civilization. We may find a lot of predators who attack weaker animals to kill them and eat them, maybe that's fair for the predators themselves, but is that fair for other animals to be created in this world and then eaten by others ? Or maybe even used by people for fun or clothes. There are special animals killed everyday to create products as well. Maybe those pruducts may even save others, and we may say that's fair. As you see in the picture, the predators themselves can be friendly with people if they are well-fed.


So, what's fair or not has an individual approach. It depends on who and what is judged and by who as well. What could be fair for some, could be not for others. There isn't a strict rule for that. And maybe fair it doesn't mean to be correct. Maybe we just have to accept things as they are. Especially if we can't make the change or affect the system. There should be powerful species who decide things and others to obey. Or in case they don't want to feel weak, just hide or to avoid to be catched. It's the same about animals or peoples worlds.

Why to spend time and energy looking for who is right and who is wrong, when we can just keep living and doing what we can do for better life.

Maybe the fair doesn't even exist. It's the illusion of justice !


Certainly what is fair for someone is not fair for another, justice is complex and sometimes unequivocally wrong, I dream because justice in the future will evolve to better practices that favor the majority of society.

Greetings my friend and thank you for your contribution.

Pretty hilarious how you only got a 9% vote from "project: hope they don't stop our scheme" on this post compared to the other votes they give out, huh?