Never Look Down On Anyone

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hello everyone, I can guess you are having a great time with your gadget scrolling through your post feed and I'm very happy you actually decided to read my blog post today.. Thank you for the lovely visit 😊.

Today I'll actually be sharing a common habit which seems to be very rampant amongst many people most especially the influential ones and the bosses because these set of people always see themselves superior to others. Well there's really nothing bad in feeling superior though but it's always advisable you don't allow your superiority destroy you when dealing with people.

What Actually Prompted Me Coming Up With This Post?

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I really don't know if you've actually experienced the way some bosses or influential people treat their workers or people lesser than them in status. I was able to experience more than five events and I do develop a sense of sympathy for the one who is oppressed and treated unfair by their superiors just because of their status.

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What they really failed to realize here is that life isn't really predictable. The people you treat badly today due to your power or status may end up taking your position tomorrow or they may even overcome your status by becoming more wealthy, influential and successful than you.

This is the main reason I'm going to be sharing with you a practical life example (real life story) which I was able to experience and I hope you'll find this helpful and interesting.

How It All Began

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I am fortunate to live in one of my grandfather's house and the environment where he built his house was were I actually got to know that there's more to life more than we can ever imagine.

There's actually a very popular filthy rich man who also has his house in the same environment and this rich man happens to own some number of trailers with lot of workers working for him and he's also into real estate which makes him buy and sell properties. He is just so rich and popularly known in our street since we both live in the same street.

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As we all know, most rich people actually became rich with the help of people because without people interference these rich people really can't do everything alone. This is actually what will make me introduce one of his worker who had been with him for a very long time known as olowo.

Mr Olowo was able to work very hard for this rich man even though the rich man may not really detect this since he's always concerned about making more money in which Mr Olowo was really making him achieve his goal just to please this rich man. Everyone knew Mr Olowo was really a very hard working man even though he really doesn't have much money nor clothes back then.

The Misunderstanding

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Everything was actually moving so smoothly since the rich man's business was booming and more money was coming in and this actually made the rich man developed a form of pride in his actions. He began to look down on everyone seeing them as if they never existed. He began talking rude and arrogantly to people and this caused him some form of hatred by other people since he was always looking down on them and he extended his bad behavior towards workers.

On a faithful day, he had a little misunderstanding with Mr Olowo whom happen to be his most effective worker and it was this same Mr Olowo who stood by him when he had nothing. The rich man pride led him to maltreat Mr Olowo and gave him a sack latter never to work with him anymore.

Mr Olowo actually felt very sad about this and he began to regret working for him because he was really feeling used.

Guess What?

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Mr Olowo accepted the sack letter and he left that workplace. He moved on with his life and he began struggling and hustling very hard just to meet end means. He never believed in making money in a brutal or fraudulent way, he kept hustling and saving some of his earned money till he was able to buy his own Trailer. He began having more customers which led to his number of trailers increasing and this was how the poor worker a rich man once looked upon became wealth and successful.

When the rich man heard about his ex worker (Mr Olowo) success, he became envious and jealous of him making him want to compete with him by buying everything materialistic items Mr Olowo buys. I could remember when Mr Olowo bought a brand new car, this rich man also bought the same model just to show off to him.

The fact is that Mr Olowo is a simple man with a compassionate lifestyle and this has really made lot of people admire him a lot. This is also one of the habit the rich man lacked as explained by people making them love Mr Olowo more than the rich man.

After some period of time

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The rich man became very sick and weak due to old age. The astonishing part of it all was that Mr Olowo went to visit him due to his sickness since Mr Olowo has a free mind. The rich man apologized to Mr Olowo for his drastic behavior and action towards him, telling him they should both start working together but Mr Olowo rejected his offer since he knew the kind of person his ex boss was.

In Summary and Conclusion

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Life itself is unpredictable because anything can happen within a second. You shouldn't always look down upon anybody because no one knows tomorrow.

The poor man you look down upon today may end up becoming filthy rich and successful tomorrow.

The dullard you look down upon today may eventually become a genius tomorrow

The worker you look down upon today may also become a boss tomorrow

The minnow you look down upon today may also become a whale tomorrow

This is life and anything can definitely happen unexpectedly within a certain period of time. Never look down upon anyone because the ball is still rolling as long as we are still all alive.

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla



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Great story! There is actually a seed of greatness in every man, so no one should be looked down upon, no matter what his background is, his status, or his abilities. There is a part of luck, or grace.

First, this is a story many people can relate to. It is not just unfair, but very risky to undermine the abilities of a fellow human. we have it in our nature to do the impossibilities.