Importance Of Momentum For An Entrepreneur

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Image source - Pixabay

Every day you get up, you move, you carry out your daily activities. You're alive. Movement is one of the characteristics of a living thing. When a living thing doesn't move, then there's reason to worry. Motion is everything in life, and as an entrepreneur the way and manner you move yourself and the ideas of your business, will go a long way in determining how successful you'll become. You can't stay still, you either move forward or you move backwards.

If you mistakingly conceive the idea that you like your current position and that you'll do nothing to improve it. You'll notice that you don't remain there, you go backwards. Things just tend to deteriorate by nature. And that's why you need effort to maintain your current position. And great efforts, if you want to move ahead in life.

There's a law called the law of inertia, which basically carries the idea that if a body stays in rest, it tends to stay that way and if a body is in motion, it also tends to continue that way, in a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an external force. What this law is saying is that if you let yourself slow down, get lazy, or stay still. You tend to continue that way. So you have to make constant effort to keep moving forward and staying active physically and mentally.

Image source - Pixabay

If you've noticed, it gets easier when you get good habits and you keep on maintaining that. But if for any reason, you break the flow or the habit, it's always difficult to begin again. That's the law of inertia setting in. When you have good habits, the law helps you easily do what needs to be done. But when you break that habit, the same law wants to keep you that way. So it's a matter of not slowing down, keeping yourself moving forward constantly.

As an entrepreneur, sometimes you want to go on breaks and vacations, which is a good thing. But you have to make sure, your business doesn't stand still or closes all through that time, or suffer for it. If there's a way to keep it running, even if not on full speed, do. This is because, if you let everything stop, when you return it would be difficult to start off again. You don't want that. Even machines and engines, if you let them stay unused for a while, they develop fault, because the law of inertia sets in, and wants to keep them that way, unused.

So this is a continuous struggle. You don't slow down. You keep on moving forward, if possible increase your effort. Also know your capacity, so that when you're increasing your effort, you don't overdo it. Momentum will always work in your favor, when you keep doing that positive thing continuously. You can use this to grow your business and yourself. Keep on pushing yourself, and moving forward. And then momentum sets in, and makes it a lot easier.

Thanks for reading!

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You have to create a discipline, that becomes a habit and thus do things to try to always have the rhythm. In this way, we can remain efficient and not deviate from our goal.
Good recommendations to stay focused.