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RE: Let's talk about BTT? Part 2 + 400%

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Yep it when up a lot I’ve been looking into it since it was at the bottom at 0.0003 but to be honest I don’t see much real value in it...
I bought some last week at 0.003...
Still holding it as well ;)

We will see ;)

Namaste 🙏


Well, it depends.

I don't advise for a lot of money. Well, it's all a gamble. But putting a little bit of that value that you won't miss is a good idea. Because you don't spend a lot and with the low price you create a lot of volume.

Mountain biking is interesting in the wake of the Blockchain TRON. They are bringing updates, already have millions of users and the largest p2p in the world. In addition to other interesting rumors. Some are worth having while it's cheap. But without madness. Any good valuation will already earn a lot;)