Once upon a time

in Project HOPE3 years ago



With this phrase usually begin children's stories that are full of fantasy, fairies and princesses, but I am going to take it to close these brief expositions.

In times more distant than my existence there were also "different" people, some were attacked, others went unnoticed and there were also forgotten people who resurfaced after the subsequent discovery that they possessed abnormal characteristics, in such a way that it is said that Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Nikola Tesla were Asperger's and Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Satoshi Tajiri, creator of pokemon, Tim Burton, Syd Barret, founder of Pink Floyd and even Vladimir Putin are and this did not prevent them from being famous or succeeding in what they set out to do and they all have something in common with me, they were not "labeled" and therefore segregated or limited in their living.

It may seem outlandish to say that the discovery or study of Hans Asperger and subsequent research has been more harmful than beneficial for those who are marked with this condition, because the misuse of all of them has created a reason to dynamite the survival tools with which people who have it are innately provided and have opened the possibility of sentimentally impacting their inner world, naive and unorganized, by having a later ability to respond to stimuli.

It seems to me that I am watching the beginning of the story of some X-Men, with their diversities that are causing social disapproval that ends up forming isolations and separate groups in a society that is discarding them.

To follow their game or accept that they treat your children, friends or "labeled" relatives differently is to feed the thousand-headed monster that will end up devouring you. It is a matter of attitude and rebellion, of fighting for happiness without having to separate these people from their naturalness and this cannot be done if you continue to see them with "pity" "disenchantment" "indolence" or "suffering".

Being black, white, yellow, mulatto, Christian, lame, myopic, poor, rich, Asperger, autistic, diabetic and hundreds of other things does not mean that you stop being human, on the contrary, it proves it, therefore we must remove the blindfold that "normal" is what is established, because if we look for it we will realize that this "current normality" in other times was "different".

We have to teach that we should feel proud and grateful to God for being the way we are, because he has wisely endowed us with characteristics to use them correctly in our journey through life.

We must eradicate that vision of "failure" when we discover that we have a child with different abilities, and also the "stubbornness" of trying to transform him/her into something he/she will never be.

Once upon a time this was the case and the world did not even know about it, because it was busy with other segregations or discriminations.

I can't imagine Newton's mother receiving a subpoena because her son wrote strange things or Tesla's because he had phobias related to something called electricity, an invention no doubt of his fantasy.

When being different is once again as circumstantial as in those times, then we will once again be "invisible" and we will be able to learn to survive without the emotional and affective burden that creates barriers to communication due to different response times to a stimulus.


Prodigious minds can never be understood by a society that believes that the incomprehensible ones are the others, when the reality is that the incomprehensible ones are us as a society and the prodigious minds are the ones that really give value. Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

Greetings friend, without a doubt the only thing that labels do is to separate people, who can say today what is normal? While the diagnosis of any condition is essential to know the root of any behavioral problem, not in all cases it is used in a beneficial way, it is used as a reason to treat the person differently. If Tesla had been labeled and ignored because his ideas were considered the product of a disabled mind, how far we would have fallen behind in advancing the field of electricity. It is really better to consider this difference as a peculiarity, perhaps a rarity seen in geniuses, rather than something that raises barriers.

Very well said, I am even against the use of special children or special people, in general terms we are all special in any case, everyone is different and therefore we should not use labels to define us and know how to use us as if we were domestic equipment. I loved it.

Well , some people want life to go the way it has always been. That's impossible because the world is changing and so are it's inhabitants. Nice read

As per my thoughts , every child is having unquie quality in him he just need to explore and flourish his quality so that he can get success in life.