Technology has changed the way we work today

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello community of Project Hope, I hope that your week is progressing well, that you are taking care of what you need and that you have enough work to satisfy your daily needs. And precisely about work is what I want to talk about, this is a concept that has been changing in a very fast way in the last decades, technology has allowed new ways of work to be created, and with the emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, there has been a big jump in this aspect, this is what I want to talk about next.

I invite you to continue reading this publication, so that we can know if we agree on the vision of it.

I start with the following question:

Do you consider that someone that I dedicated the day to sitting in front of the computer doing technical analysis of cryptocurrencies, because he is dedicated to trading is a worker?



By general culture, there are those who, in order to say that someone is working, need to see him/her sweating, making great efforts, and do not consider a job like the one I mentioned before (Trading) as a job, the same happens with some other workers like bank agents, writers, etc.

It happened to me in particular, that because I was in the office, taking care of patients, I was told that I was making easy money... well, I think a comment like that shows great ignorance.

Let's see, for example, those who work with cryptocurrencies, have had to spend a lot of time to understand the functioning of the market, to be able to deduce from an analysis if a price is going to go down or go up. It is required to obtain a great amount of requirements that allow you to succeed in that area, which of course is not for everyone, so, that has its value, the knowledge and the information.

Any person can write, but that it is pleasant and that it contributes something for the person who reads it already implies other things, and that neither is for everybody, it implies a set of skills that allow him/her to develop that work.

But, there is an awareness that heavy and strong work must be paid more for that very reason, because it implies effort, but, I debate it with whomever. To be able to carry out tasks that imply a great degree of reasoning and application of knowledge that you have previously acquired in your academic formation of years, should deserve your recognition, even if you execute your work from an office or a park.

Things have changed dramatically, that view that work must be heavy and physically exhausting is now a thing of the past. Of course, this type of work still exists, and it must also be well paid because it often involves many health risks, but, technology has made new forms of work exist now, that you can easily do from the comfort of your home to the brakes of the PC, and even from your own cell phone.

So, if you can make a decent income from the comfort of your own home and without much effort, why not do it? Why not consider it work? At least that's my impression.

I would like to know what you think about what I have proposed in this publication, you can leave your opinion in the comments, I will know how to value it.


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Change is constant and change has finally brought us the goodies of ease through technology. Though replacing human efforts with advance technology might be capital consuming, but it really worth it, considering output and income. Technology has brought improvement to way of life to I.e to work as a freelancer even from home is one huge benefit that human should appreciate. Thanks for wonderful publication

If @benie111
The reality is that we are very lucky to know this platform, for example. There are those who have been able to take great advantage of it. Even in spite of the low prices, some can live from it, so, the technology is here, and it serves everyone.

Hello friend @josevas217

You are very right, most people are ignorant on that subject, they believe that if you don't work on the street you are not really working. Swimming in this life is easy, unless you dedicate yourself to doing the rest of the evil everything implies effort and sacrifice. Spending hours on a computer analyzing a chart is also exhausting and requires a lot of effort and knowledge.

Thank you for sharing.

As I said @franyeligonzalez,ignorance is everywhere. People have to change their way of thinking in order to see other options.

Thanks for your comment.

"So, if you can make a decent income from the comfort of your own home and without much effort, why not do it?"

The technological trend seems to indicate that this is the future. Especially the distant future. AI and Robotics will more than likely do the heavy lifting, and humans will exercise more of their “technological, social and emotional” cognitive skills.

McKinsey & Company did an informative study on this.

Great post @josevas217.

Yes, for now in the short term I do not think it is the option for everyone, not that of being able to generate from home all that is necessary. But little by little we will reach that reality.
Thank you very much for the link, I will keep it aside, there are some things I want to read.

I consider it a job,because skills are being used, time and knowledge in contributing for other people.

In this sense, technology and work in a remote way It makes a lot of sense.

I agree with your point of view, it's a job, of course. And it's not something that everybody can do, it requires a certain degree of preparation for it.


Con el apoyo de la familia.

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there are those who, in order to say that someone is working, need to see him/her sweating, making great effort

While I don't come from this culture entirely I do know the type. What I must contend with are those that believe that work cannot occur in the home. They find this true even when the only difference is that your laptop is on an office desk rather than in your home. Ultimately they believe that someone must watch over workers like parents and teachers over children. These are not performance-oriented people. They also do not value a college education.

Yes, that's another thing, like you can't work from home, and the pandemic has shown that it's more than possible, and also simplifies some things, minimizes expenses, among other benefits.

Things sure could be better if only..