Hard Work is a Myth

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


Everyone tells us to improve the things which we are not good at, but why are we spending time improving something which we are not good at?
Instead, should we not invest time in bringing out our true potential in the things we are good at?

If we have to work harder in improving something, it clearly means that deep down we don't want it, we are doing it because of external pressure. Most of the time, people shun their true interest just to impress others or to fit in the societal norms. And, this is the reason why we try hard to do something which we don't want in the first place.

We people have glorified hard work so much that we now believe that nothing can be achieved without Hard Work*, but that is not the case.

Why would someone feel happy by doing hard work?


The ideology must change, pain and hard must not be glorified.

Though it could be another way around. A person can work all night and still not consider it as hard work as he might be enjoying that work, but for others, it may look like hard work.

Moreover, even if we don't know what we are good at, we must keep experimenting with different things until we find out what fits us best. And once we are aware of it, start investing more in it to bring out the best.

We can only work effortlessly when we are enjoying the thing which we are doing. If the work makes us feel like we are putting in so much effort, that means we are not enjoying the process.

We need to ask the question before we implement things right away, food for thought;

"Hard work is the key to success."

Why only Hard work? Can we not get success by enjoying the process?



Hello @knowledgefruit, we commonly talk about hard work because of the time spent working or the physical or mental effort needed to do it.
Success takes work and perseverance, it doesn't necessarily have to be hard work, but consistent. If you work in something you like and enjoy it is the best thing that can happen to you, it is a gift of life.

In order to develop effectively we need to be comfortable with what we do, to love the job we have as much as possible. The way to meet the expectations in it is to feel satisfied and not to be disappointed, to put desire and passion into the effort we make to carry it out.

Greetings friend. We usually associate hard work with the physical effort required to perform an activity, an athlete who enjoys his sport needs to work constantly and make physical efforts to achieve success, likewise a student requires hours of dedication. Certainly there are aspects of the process that we may enjoy more than others, but if we follow our true passion, any hard work feels good and does not feel like a drudgery that has to be done out of obligation.

The fuzz around hard work needs to be cleared.

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