How to win friends and influence people of Dale Carnegie. Good conversationalist.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

(Capítulo II) Fourth part.


Easy way to become a good conversationalist

Listened to without interruption.

Listening carefully is not a common thing, to be honest, as conversations between people usually are: someone wants to express an idea and wants to be heard without interruption, but the reality is that the other person also wants to be heard at the same time; so here is a dilemma who has the right to be the speaker and who the listener? We all like to be heard, there is no doubt about it. Paying attention to the speaker without measuring the time is something that has to be worked on, because if I want to be heard, I must also listen to others.

The human imperfection is present, today in this world so competitive, changing and accelerated accounts things left aside and do not pay attention, perhaps if we spent more time listening we could avoid many things.

Important to be heard.

In the family, in friendship, in business in all these areas of our life it is important to be heard, it is what we want; putting it into practice does not seem so difficult when you really see its importance, I feel that you can lose a lot if you do not give yourself the opportunity to listen but with careful attention, it can even be an art "to know how to listen".

Time to hear more.

Reading is very enriching, I will take my time to listen more, because it is not that I listen to people, but that suddenly I do not listen to all of them; in spite of this accelerated time that I have.

Reading is useful and I continue in my constant learning.




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"In constant evolution".


Both in an organization, our home, family, must be flexible to listen to the opinion of others, we must not continue selfish to only listen to what we want to hear, but there are always good ideas.

In relationships between people, good communication is required, so listening more will be favorable to further strengthen those interpersonal ties, excellent analysis friend @lanzjoseg. Greetings

It is really a nice book

Hello friend, an interesting topic, knowing how to listen is a gift that not everyone has, as you say, most want to be heard but do not bother to listen to what others want to express. I think it is also part of many relationships. Regards!!

Good article, there are people who talk so much that we get out of our minds and the truth is something really annoying and more if you are a person who values silence