How to win friends and influence people of Dale Carnegie. HOW TO GET COOPERATION.

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


(Chapter 3) PART 7


"Your ideas are important."

Yes, here is the phrase that can change the life of many, because it is what they want to hear in order to feel successful or simply taken into account by their ideas. Now, in real life something else happens today, like we act when we want to sell, get a job or conquer someone? Well, we do it by talking about what we want and how we think it should be.

Many ideas.

On the other hand, if we allow someone else to talk about his ideas, we listen to him and tell him, yes, it is very important what you are saying and it will be taken into account to do it. Analyzing this point of the author carefully, it is true that it is worse to impose our opinion, to speak first and not to listen because the results will be negative.


Feedback where all parties win.

Then from human intelligence you can allow yourself to listen to one or many ideas and make them see that they are important, achieving in this way a process of feedback where both parties win, but dedicating time to others so that they feel that their personal objectives are achieved first and based on that and through them I can achieve my organizational objectives; in the work environment.

I can't tell him "it's bad".

In social and family life we can save ourselves a lot of inconvenience and discomfort if we make others feel that their ideas are important; for example, when my daughter talks to me about a school project she still has a mistake or I think I can improve it, I can't say "it's bad" because I discourage her completely; on the other hand, if I listen to her, I congratulate her on her idea and then I suggest moving this here and there subtly, so the results would be different in terms of her attitude.

In short, I must continue to improve my behavior little by little, to think more about the other and not first about myself, to continue listening and to continue in my constant learning.




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"In constant evolution".


Hello friend, I think that is one of the keys to be able to socialize in a better way, to listen to others, not only our opinions or our problems are important and we must be aware of that. Most people only think about themselves, but this way we will not achieve better results.

The feedback, arises when we respect the point of view of the other person, in fact to listen in an antenna way before emitting some opinion is a way of learning. @lanzjoseg thank you for sharing your point of view, I have been following your approaches and they are very successful.

good article, people feel valued when they are heard I think it is one of the most important things in dealing with children

I think many people don't necessarily expect everyone to follow their ideas, but they do want to experience that people cared to listen and understand. This is another great timeless lesson from Carnegie. Thanks for sharing.

I think that making people feel important and that their work is very important makes us influential on them, so I think it's an excellent analysis that you provide in this post. Greetings my dear friend @lanzjoseg and thanks for sharing.