How to win friends and influence people of Dale Carnegie. MAKE MISTAKES LOOK EASY TO CORRECT

in Project HOPE3 years ago


(Chapter 4) PART 8


Indeed, you have to be very tactful and careful when it comes to correcting people, because depending on the manner, form or words that are said that will leave a positive or negative mark on them.

Necessary to correct.

So, of course there are mistakes and they are made in quantity, but you can also learn from them and even better correct them. It is incredible how a few words can raise someone's spirits or also completely bring them down, so it is necessary to think well about what to say in a situation where it is necessary to correct to achieve positive effects, because people need to hear that yes they can and do possess the capabilities to do better.


Variation of ideas.

Although people are different, human intelligence cannot be set aside and that is why there is the variation of ideas and ways of doing things different from each other, but they can, this being the most important thing, remove the barrier of limitations because by breaking down the walls, they can have the opportunity to shine, achieving mainly personal satisfaction. There is nothing better than feeling good about yourself.


You can.

Words of encouragement that make people feel secure, encouragement and enthusiasm; It is necessary for people to believe in them in order to move forward, but those around you (bosses, teachers, parents) play a very important role in your development. So you better be someone who motivates and mentors other people.




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Greetings my friend @lanzjoseg, undoubtedly one of the best ways to persuade people is to use friendly words that motivate us to do a job in the most appropriate way. Thank you for remembering a behavior that all of us as individuals must take into account.

 3 years ago  

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The human being is emotional in nature and corrects people when they tell them that they are acting wrong or that they are not complying with what is required, if this is not done carefully they can have a bad impression, I personally if I have to do it. get a person's attention First I understand what is happening and then from the understanding I see what is the possible solution and let them know so I do not have to say only what is wrong but that I can contribute with the resolution of the problem.