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RE: Check your vote, check your status

Very unfortunately while you were (rather passionately driven because of the love of HIVE) you have enabled other higher ranking Hive-ians peer to yours to have the opportunity to spew certain prejudice thoughts, and unfortunately, some extremist might actually take it as "a witch hunt".

Which is now too late to retract. Not your fault, you were emotionally driven; but not others of your peer will think the same. And we now know who they are.

Most of us still have both stakes on STEEM and HIVE, and some of us hardly withdraw unless we need to pay bills or assist someone else; hoping that with both chains (and both type of network exposures), we can see how different dynamics move, whether a centralised tyrant will win, or an unbiased healthy community (as so I have thought) will win.

But this is the nature of human isn't it? Good reminders can turned sour in the thoughts and hands of wrong powerful people too.

Wishing you all the best in life.