A community is strengthened from the inside out

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Public domain image / Author: Sasint, 2016

Loyalty is not a commitment or devotion to a person, loyalty is an act of respect and fidelity to our own ethical and moral principles, and when a person is transparent and honest with himself, there will be no power that will break his loyalty and approach to life.

With this entry I join the initiative of my friend @clixmoney and his philosophy of sharing our rewards with whomever we want, under a kind of BRCP Rule, I certainly do not know much about it (I commit myself to investigate the implicit objectives of the BCRP rule), but what I must admit is that reading each of the extraordinary lines of @clixmoney I got a sense of pride and admiration for the great quality of people who make up our Project.HOPE community, and how with this kind of ideas strengthen our community philosophy of growth and mutual help.

Public domain image / Author: Jarmoluk, 2017

Probably this initiative will also be the object of attacks by those who believe they are absolutely right, and repeatedly attack with voracious hatred each of the members of our community. One of my teachers, when he observed excessive hostility, always used to say that people do not hate other people, they hate themselves, and their acts are simply externalized nonconformities to calm their internal problems.

Public domain image / Author: Geralt, 2013

Following the BRCP rule implicit in the initiative of @clixmoney, I have decided without any coercion to tag and place a percentage of my rewards in these 3 accounts:

1. @josevas217 I have decided to support Jose (real name) because he is an experienced and invaluable user for our community, by checking his blog you will realize that he is one of the best authors that the #HIVE platform has at the moment, and he is one of the people with whom I interact the most within the community, and despite the short time I have known him I can attest that he is a person of transparent, respectful, honest, sincere, authentic, upright behavior and also an extraordinary professional, enough reasons to place @josevas217 with 10%

2. @carlir is one of the newest users within Project.HOPE, I know him personally and I must tell you that he is one of the most outstanding professors of the Research Methodology curricular unit taught at my university, professor and colleague Carli has not only earned my respect and admiration for his academic quality and role as a researcher, but also for the commitment and dedication he has devoted to his blog, I like the kind of approach and multidisciplinary content he shares in our blockchain. Professor Carli following the scheme of the initiative of @clixmoney, I decided to share 10% of my rewards with you.

3. I believe that the community should continue to finance the projects that are currently active, so I set up another 10% as beneficiary to the Project.HOPE @ph-fund account, so that the core team coordination can use this resource to strengthen the community and its economy from the inside out, to make it sustainable and sustainable over time.

These ideas are probably not supported by those who harass our community, but I am sure that conceiving ideas of this type that promote our collective growth from within the community is the heart of the model that we all want to build without being coerced by external people and forces.

Greetings my dear friend @lupafilotaxia I find a very interesting scheme, free will is something that must be respected in any instance, in case you are against any mechanism the best weapon is dialogue, it was what my parents taught me, it teaches you life and even college. The users with whom you share the rewards I consider that they make excellent contributions to the community and of course it is good to leave funds for the support of our users and continue strengthening the emergency fund.

Good luck brother, have a great weekend, blessings to the children.

Hello Friend @ amestyj, indeed I also saw the very interesting and viable scheme, unfortunately it gives the impression that there will be no understanding, and it is a trsite scenario since the beneficiary option allows us to continue strengthening the emergency fund, and academic training. Greetings to you and your family.

Examples of sensationalism:

Probably this initiative will also be the object of attacks by those who believe they are absolutely right, and repeatedly attack with voracious hatred each of the members of our community.

...by those who harass our community...

Portions of this post read like propaganda.

Is it harassment if I come here to stand up for people who you are intentionally mischaracterizing? Will building a false narrative around recent events then living a lie be a productive use of this community's time? Does libel build loyalty?


You visit me and leave negative positions to my point of view of the situation, use derogatory terms when labeling my article as “propaganda”, you must analyze your speech because I assume that pejorative action is its main form of struggle against the PH community, and I believe that this aggressive style does not lead to understanding and solving the problem.

Excuse me if you perceive that I have mischaracterized the people who have been generating hostile scenarios for considering that the scheme of work of PH is contrary to the philosophy of HIVE, I only express part of my reading of the exaggerated, disrespectful, and unethical messages that I have recently read from some users.
Regarding if you consider my post as a false narrative, I respect your point of view, but facing accusation I ask you who is free to take responsibility when you set up some percentage of beneficiary? Because if you are not the author, then we have background problems, which must be solved in an upcoming update of the HIVE ecosystem.

I ask for tolerance since the intention of this publication is not focused on defaming anyone, it is only my participation in an initiative that I thought could be part of the solution to solve this uncomfortable situation of attack that currently receives the PH community.

In full development of what blockchain represents as disruptive technology, I consider objectivity, synderesis and dialogue to be above any situation of incompatibility of visions.

Greetings Mr. @nonameslefttouse

I said it reads like propaganda. I didn't say it was propaganda.

I asked you three questions. You avoided all three.

I only express part of my reading of the exaggerated, disrespectful, and unethical messages that I have recently read from some users.

You realize PH is guilty of this, correct? You yourself just did it, again:

I thought could be part of the solution to solve this uncomfortable situation of attack that currently receives the PH community.

Nobody is attacking PH community, unless you twist the narrative and take things out of context, which is what you're doing. Lying through your teeth.

I ask for tolerance since the intention of this publication is not focused on defaming anyone

Sure it is. I'm not offended though. I choose to not tolerate PH's deceitful ways. And I'm not going to talk in circles with PH members again. Every time I catch you folks offering up more of your lies, I'll call you out on them. I will not be explaining. You can deny their existence all you want. I'm looking right at them. No point in trying to trick me into looking elsewhere. Feel free to read the comment I left under clixmoney's post (which was rudely muted) for more information.

Read that, and realize writing plain posts that act more as filler to earn rewards, this makes PH look like reward farmers (which could lead to more downvotes). I'd suggest producing actual content, following the advice I left in the link above, then if you truly need to give people money, simply do that once it's in your wallet. This PH group is foolishly stubborn. I have nearly five years of experience working under this business model. PH works in reverse. You're always in indebted to someone. By the looks of it you're even renting stake. Renters are always in debt. Unraveling the beneficiary scheme was too easy. What people say and why it actually exists are not the same thing. Doing it this 'new' way only makes PH look like people who will pull someone in front of them to use as a shield if they're being shot at.

Greetings brother @lupafilotaxia, first of all thank you for these words and gesture from you to me, no one better than you to know the kind of person I am, HP has become for us a means of interaction with other cultures and ways of thinking that make us grow as people and professionals, I am grateful to GOD to belong to this project, that the only thing that has done and does is to support all its members.

Thank you Project Hope.

Greetings @carlir, certainly the PH community represents a means of interaction with other cultures and ways of thinking that make us grow as people and professionals, I continued to make their didactic contributions to our blockchain. We keep reading.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia, excellent initiative in doubt when one door closes a thousand others open, applaud this initiative that has taken @clixmoney and many of us who are part of PH should join the same. Great contribution

Thanks for mentioning and for your kind words. I think BRCP could be useful to all hive community. If we have such option still working, so we can support a lot of hivers !