From hyperlinks to electronic learning

in Project HOPE3 years ago

In the previous installment I externalized the adverse effects that hyperlinks have on our cognitive development, the focus was based on the impact that this form of accessing information has on our ability to concentrate and increase our cognitive development.

In this sense, although this type of technology limits direct interaction with the medium, fundamentally because this way of accessing knowledge is through links or digital links, which subsequently display electronic documents that have been previously hosted on certain web pages, without any interaction that facilitates the organization and structuring of knowledge.

Fig. 2 Internet search engines provide access to information and electronic documents. Image of public domain, Author: RoonZ-nl, 2020

That said, it is also worth mentioning that there are tools on the Internet that provide access to the construction, reasoning and interaction with the environment, among these the most prominent are electronic learning platforms or E-learning as they are usually identified to the portals or virtual learning campuses under models of distance education and training via online.

E-learning platforms, unlike search engines or hyperlinks, have the advantage of promoting interaction between teachers and students through the so-called virtual classrooms, which are tactical spaces mounted on web pages that allow the exchange of knowledge, assignment of activities, execution of virtual evaluations, and exposure of content.

Fig. 3 E-learning portals combine the power of the internet with meaningful learning. Image of public domain, Author: Tumisu, 2019

If browsing through search engines on the web to access hyperlinks that point to information that does not directly impact our cognitive capacity, e-learning through E-learning portals on the other hand is a resource that combines the power of the internet with meaningful learning, through E-learning platforms that provide constant interaction that tends to increase the pace of learning.


[1] Fernández M., Álvarez Q., Mariño R E-learning: another way of teaching and learning in a traditional presence-based university. A special case study. rPofesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación de Profesorado. 2013; 17; 3: 273 – 291. Article: Online access

[2] Carr N Is Google Making Us Stupid?. 2008. Article: Online access


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Tumisu, 2019

Original manuscript, uploaded from the Project HOPE community website


Very interesting publication, I think that when the brain stops being used or trained we have a tendency to do things automatically, and this makes the brain go limp.

So it is very important to keep the brain active, carrying out activities and allowing neurons to establish relationships with each other, it was the synapse is very important in this process.

Exactly what you mention happens when we use search engines without resorting to reasoning to build ideas or schematize mind maps. Thanks @reinaldoverdu for visiting the blog.

Greetings Professor Luis Paz @lupafilotaxia, this type of space has somehow facilitated the work we have had to develop at a distance from our teaching role, hence the importance of continuing to work under an e-learning system that allows us to acquire meaningful learning. Thank you for your contribution

Greetings friend and teacher @madridbg, you are right in our case the circumstances of the context that has generated the pandemic, we have to work under a system of e-learning that allows us to acquire meaningful learning. Good point, best regards.