¿Is technostress an everyday part of our lives?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


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Being up to date technologically, hardware, software and with the necessary skills, is a topic of vital importance to be able to engage in the accelerated dynamics of the digital era of the 21st century.
Progressively the use of TIC is becoming a basic need to communicate, participate and perform socio-economic activities, which can only be done virtually.
This situation can cause what is known as technostress, direct and indirect negative effects (physical, psychological and cognitive) due to the use and inadequate relationship with technology.
The technostress is often handled with without giving it much importance, with palliative measures that help to reduce or control its causes, considering it as part of everyday life; in other more severe, chronic or acute cases require professional attention.


Cause and consequences of Technostress

The most frequent causes of technostress are the pressing and unlimited use of ICTs, heavy workdays with an overload of activities and goals, haste in the development of activities, exaggerated desire to be updated (software and hardware) or on the contrary, attachment to the use of a particular technology and rejection of new proposals, limitations in skills and competencies for the use of TIC, and more recently access and connectivity.
The consequences can be grouped into physical: musculoskeletal problems (pain and stiffness in the shoulders, back, neck, carpal tunnel), visual fatigue, headaches, increased risk of hypertension, heart and circulatory problems, among others.
As for the psychological: anxiety, irascible behavior, indifference, isolation, frustration, and insomnia. All this leads to a reduction in productivity and personal, family, and work satisfaction.



We currently live in one way or another with technostress, so it is advisable to create a healthy relationship with technology, by understanding its functional and operational characteristics, as well as not underestimating the learning and practice period to progressively develop the confidence and synergy necessary for the efficient use of it.
If necessary seek help, as well as plan, organize and perform the work in days that include your basic needs and rest periods, set achievable goals that do not put at risk the physical and psychological health, and above all that does not irreparably affect your personal life.
Take care and success.
See you soon dear ProjectHope friends!



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Note: The separator is my property made with the Paint application. The figures used are from https://pixabay.com/. The banners were created for @raizayanez, using PowerPoint and Paint.

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3 and Image 4


Bibliographic Sources

TECHNOSTRESS. Techno-eustress: Understanding the real effects of the technological zeitgeist.
Access on Line



Everything that is done in excess is bad and technology is no exception, especially in a world where it is so vital and important.
Spending long hours sitting in front of a screen or being aware of a world as dizzying as the technological world not only causes anxiety but also frustration, plus it ends up affecting many areas of our body by the prolonged use of the same, causing consequently the fact that we begin to feel limited and we accumulate stress that ends up making us sick.

Hi @ joseph1956, totally agree, technology is part of our daily life, and limits must be set to avoid negative consequences.
Thanks for your comment and support

Hello friend, certainly today we live glued to technology, unfortunately it is what is revolutionizing the world, but I believe that this should not harm our lives and much less our body, we must be aware that although technology is active in our lives we can not leave aside the most important thing. Our health, our loved ones, our time of distraction and recreation, our time alone, everything that makes us feel happy and calm.

Thank you for sharing this with us, best regards!

Hello friend @franyeligonzalez, I share your opinion technology is important, and so is health, family and ourselves.

Hello @raizayanez

So is getting involved in the virtual and technological world, generates stress and fatigue disorders that can be counterproductive in the future, because somehow even though we know that these habits generate problems like the technostress you describe, very few people take measures to prevent the deterioration of their health, hence the problems will be reflected in the future. Thank you for sharing these recommendations. Best regards

Hello lupafilotaxia
Responding to the whirlwind of the technological world is not easy, there are many factors involved that push us to demand more and more from ourselves. We must be careful because of the negative consequences in the short and medium term.
Thanks for your comments

Hi @raizayanez
I had never seen that about tecnoestress, that's interesting, a new disease. But, yes, currently and increasingly technology related problems will become more and more entrenched plus new diseases will emerge as time goes by, you have to learn how to deal with that situation.

Hi @josevas217
Technostress has a growing tendency and many other psychosomatic illnesses derive from it.
It is advisable to seek balance with the use of technology.

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