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RE: Leverage your posts with the correct tags

in Project HOPE3 years ago

I think like we should have an easier way to filter which tribes are right for which content. For me (as a not-heavy-user) it's pretty hard to keep the overview about this. So most times I chose topic related tags like (for a post about ledger) - wallet;cryptocurrency;security - which won't be visible for many ppl I guess. Next to that there are several tags displayed (if posting on as example) which leads to me picking this tags since it looks like a suggestion. Maybe we could have something that can identify relevant tags based on the content and suggest them directly when creating a post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

You are quite right about that. A lot of users actually don't know that it is possible to add these tags to their posts in the first place. If the front-end could suggest tags, this would be a great help.

Thanks a lot for your comment!


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