Building the ProjectHope Community Together - My Resolves

in Project HOPE4 years ago


I met @Crypto.Piotr sometime in 2019 on the steem blockchain and he sounded really great with his thoughts and words. I was not so surprised when I discovered the ProjectHope Community which he created (alongside other like-thinking real people) on steem lockckchain first and how much the community was growing. With 700 subscribers, 144 active users, 939 interactions and 403 pending rewards, @project.hope is one of the fastest growing communities both on steem and hive chains.

ProjectHope is a community of people who share similar values and passion towards artificial intelligence, blockchain, along with the advancement of technology in general and are ready to share their thoughts on blockchain, machine learning, cybersecurity, gaming (on blockchain), economy, business, marketing, psychology, social media, etc. Simply put, @Project is multi-disciplinary in nature and and users engaging the community are awesome people. Read more about ProjectHope here and here.

About me

I am Creativevoice, the lead Research Consultant and CEO of Gracefield Creative Resources, which is a leading private research outfit with excellence in academic and corporate reporting. We are based in Uyo, South Southern Nigeria. I am passionate about giving solutions to life's challenges by engaging my research skills and this, I've done in the past seven years.

I run training free in my Creativity hub and blockchain has been our sole sponsor over the years. With expertise in Technical Reporting, Creative Writing and Data Analysis, I am dedicated to building Start-ups and incubating creative ideas to provide solutions to life problems. I may not have cash to give to young people, but I'm interested in building them for the future by helping them acquire life skills.

Asides my professional degree in Agricultural Engineering with research interests in Agricultural Innovations, Soil, water and Environmental conservation; I am also a song writer and a teacher with deep passion of serving Christ and blessing humanity.

My Roles on ProjectHope Community

  • My journey with this community on hive will begin with daily quality content creation and engagement of other contents created here.
  • Helping to build the @Ph-fund with my 20% beneficiary reward on each post created here in this community.
  • Moreover, as my curation strength increases, I will also be supporting curation in this community.
  • Hoping to delegate to the community curation pool when hive stabilizes and also joining the curation trail.

PROJECTHOPE is an initiative to give hope to humanity and I am here to contriute my quota.

My Expectations

Certainly, everyone joining a community has a personal goal to achieve in line with helping the community achieve its goal. I see myself "growing" as I join this community and contributing to its values.

Some Faces you need to know and related Projects

@crypto.piotr, @project.hope, @cyberspacegod, @achim03, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @neavvy, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18, @machnbirdsparo, @honarparvar, @guruvaj, @alokkumar121, @edgarare1, @flash07, @djennyfloro, @gandhibaba, @reverseacid, @yonnathang, @mariusfebruary.

Why are you here in @ProjectHope community and How well will you contribute to help this community reach its goals as we resume our journey on hive blockchain?


Hi @uyobong

Welcome to @project.hope it is really a pleasure to have another professional around here, every day we are growing more and personally I tell you that he accompanied @crypto.piotr for more than 1 year in steemit, and we are together making a huge effort to move this community forward. I am Venezuelan and surely you will find it very interesting to talk with us about the whole oil issue and the crisis we are experiencing, since that is one of the areas that you are passionate about. As a reference I mention that I am passionate about psychology, technology and I am a specialist writer in micro stories (I have published perhaps more than 100, the truth is lost the account).

Welcome again and I hope to read some of your content in our project soon, which I am sure will be very interesting.

By the way i am atheist, so sure we Will have interesting discusiones 👍

Glad to have you here my friend. Warm welcome to project.hope and I hope you will enjoy the experience here. Cheers

Welcome, it's good to have you here.

I mostly share the things you say. Community values are the predominant ties for solving problems with some sense of life.

This is your place.