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RE: Break on Through -- to the Otherside of Truth -- The Doors - Acoustic Cover

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago (edited)

Thanks for dropping by! The write up took the exact time of the upload of the video. Maybe I should plan it more this way in the future. Lol

Please excuse all the spammy comments claiming I am a hacker, it's to do with the domain and an internal battle of light versus dark... Or something like that.


I guess it's a good thing I never decided to start using 3speak...

Oh, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet. Life is full of struggles. Hopefully ones we grow stronger from 😂

montycashmusic is a hacker/hacked account.
@gribbles please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
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montycashmusic is a hacker/hacked account.
@gribbles please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

@montycashmusic Your comment cointains a link that is on my blacklist ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗

@gribbles, do NOT click on the link above in their comment.

Link: "*"     => DO NOT CLICK

More info:

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