Music has effects


The effects of music on the human organism are multiple and very beneficial, among the main ones are that it regulates the level of hormones related to stress, strengthens learning and memory processes, positively affects the speed of brain waves, recreates positive memories and helps to fall asleep.

There have been many scientific studies carried out on the effect of music on people, animals and even plants, and the results obtained are of great importance and usefulness for sciences such as medicine, psychology and sociology.

Photo taken from Unsplash

Surprising! Music effects

Music is a universal language and although most of the time we listen to it without being aware of its benefits, the effects of music on human beings are really surprising, let's see some of them:

  • Relaxation and Sleep: Music activates and produces chemicals in the brain associated with relaxation and well-being, making brain waves slower and more stable.

Although there is no specific type of music that helps sleep and works for everyone, it has been shown that the effects of classical music on the brain help to fall asleep and that is that when the melody has a rhythm of 60 bits per second, the heart rate is synchronized and physical and mental tensions are relaxed.

  • Improves reading ability and vocabulary: Playing a musical instrument establishes neural connections that improve aspects of human communication. Hence, those who have musical training since childhood have better reading ability and have a better vocabulary and lexicon.

For something, it has been scientifically proven that musicians can better hear a conversation when there is background noise than another person without a musical connection.

  • Promotes circulation: it has been shown that one of the effects of music is the benefit it offers for the cardiovascular system, so much so that they are equated with physical training or the action of certain medications. The blood vessels increase in size and expand up to 26% when we hear pleasant music.

In contrast to the above, one of the negative effects of music for the body is that when we dislike or stress due to its tone or volume, the blood vessels contract, affecting relaxation and preventing concentration.

  • Strengthens the immune system: another of the effects of music is that it reduces levels of cortisol, which is the hormone responsible for stress that weakens the immune system and therefore if the music we listen to pleases us and makes us happy, our immune system is strengthens and is less prone to disease.

Effects of music on society

Music is a universal language and therefore its social influence and its great cultural value cannot be denied. On many occasions we have fallen in love with a song in a language we do not know and we simply like the melody even without understanding what it says.

The effects of music on society are undeniable and for this reason it is used as an instrument to reach each social member, for example in political and advertising campaigns, in order to awaken certain types of feelings or transmit certain messages.

Even shopping centers and stores, aware of the effects of music, play certain types of music that encourages consumption, as do restaurants that offer live music as an attraction for diners to stay longer in the premises and therefore buy more.

Religious celebrations, regardless of the religion in question, include songs and chants that seek to create a bond between the parishioners and the church in question.

Positive or negative, the effects of music on individuals and society in general are undeniable, so we must take advantage of its benefits and use them to improve our health and quality of life.

Article Referenced:


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Really good read!

Really good read!

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