[Posting Error - DO NOT VOTE] Bridge Sprints?

in EXHAUST2 years ago (edited)

dannewton just finished a 3.55km run, that lasted for 24 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 374.3 calories.

Description from Strava: So yeah I was gonna do the hill sprints session like I did last week. I will admit it technically isn't a hill, more like a bridge... so Bridge sprints it is!

I did 4 reps last time, so I was going to try 5 today, but my knees are still a bit creaky, from the weekend. Besides, it is pretty warm here still, so I decided to er on the side of caution.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


This is an automated post by @strava2hive and is currently in BETA.


@strava2hive , @run.vince.run

Hey Vince, any idea why its posted this "Bridge Sprints" strava activity a 2nd time?

 2 years ago  

Thanks for letting me know...I will get onto it and see what happened

 2 years ago  

@dannewton the check to see if the post has already been added, which failed for all users. I have put in an extra check to make sure this does not fail again. Instead of checking the database, I will change this to check Hive directly so this does not happen again. Sorry again and thanks for letting me know.

It happened to me also

 2 years ago  

Yeah @toofasteddie it happened to all the users. The only good thing is that the service posted all the last activity without any issues...It was not supposed to though. I hope you guys still are cool with it.

Of course, no problem!

@run.vince.run ah I see (I did notice a couple of other users had duplicate posts)

Thank you for the prompt reply and resolution, and no apology necessary. I know this project is still new and there will be random issues that appear in these early stages.

For whats its worth, I think this is a nifty little project, and one that's well worth persevering with :-)



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