Long slow run - increasing the distance

in EXHAUST3 years ago (edited)

I just finished a 13.028km running that lasted about 1hh:21mm:17ss !


Another long slow run today. I had planned to do this on this coming Tuesday, but when I woke up this morning I fancied doing it today instead.

So I did!

The weather helped too. It was a chilly and frosty start, but no noticeable ice patches this time. And with the day forecast to warm up I decided it felt ok to go for a long run. I usually do the long run over an 'out and back' route, because it is easier to measure the distance (with the help of googlemaps). My 10k route covers 3 villages, and so today I chose to run to the 4th village on the route, adding an extra 1.5km to the route, and thus an extra 3km in total.

With the planned 13km route decided, I set off. Once again these long runs are done at a slow pace, the aim is always to make sure I keep moving and complete the distance, and going out to quickly will not help. Only once I have covered these longer distances a few times will I even consider picking up the pace.


I do feel a bit stiff in the knees this evening, and I'm not surprised really as I have significantly increasing the distance I am running each week. I still felt reasonably comfortable while running that distance today, and it has helped me get closer to one of my strava 100km in January Distance challenge.

I will make sure that Tuesdays run will just be a slow 5km as a recovery run, as I am currently enjoying this running lark, and don't particularly want any over-training issues to spoil it!


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Consistent pace on the long run, well done!

Cheers dude! Consistency is key!

Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.