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RE: some ab exercises are really bad for you

in EXHAUST4 years ago

Do planks, or ab-wheel rollouts instead

Yeah, I just do planks these days.

It takes too much effort to even feel the "burn" in my abs these days otherwise. Must be the age.


The first time someone turned me on to planks I was thinking "there's no way that this is a workout".... then i tried them. Yeah they are!

I used to do that oblique machine thing. It was nice for the burn. Wasn't sure how effective it was.

But yes, it was one of those machines I cringed when I saw someone struggling to twist because they put too much weight on it.

that's a common problem with really any machine at the gym. Novice users will pursue the heaviest stack they can handle and end up transferring the weight to muscles that were not meant to be worked out by said machine, most noticeably their back. danger!