Panda trail, part 2 [Exhaust Running Community Report, November 9th 2020]

in EXHAUST4 years ago

Second day of the Panda Trail by UTMB Running Challenge.

It's a working day full of activities. I was able to go out for a run late in the evening. I opted for the straightforward approach - a loop with a climb, five times.

During the second lap, I made a turn wrong once. I was so immersed in a discussion with myself that I made a wrong turn. It's clearly visible on the map.

The run was effectively worth 9.16 K, 7.7 K of distance, and 147 meters of climb.

This means I am 74 % through the challenge. Tomorrow I'll run for 10.2 effective kilometers to complete it.


The @pinmapple code, see the comment under the article, marks the peak of tonight's lap.

The cover photo shows a bench that we often walk by while on a doggy forest walk.

All the physical activity data that I display in my @exhaust and @actifit reports is gathered with the help of Coros Pace sports watch and displayed with Coros app.

Better and better

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hei Ervin, can you tell me your opinion on what's is going on whit the hive project? I want to understand if it's worth in investing more in it or ust let it die...

Hm, It's a hard question to answer. There are so many projects going right now on Hive or parallel to it that it would take a long article to cover them all.

I think that the situation is good. Many initiatives and many different teams are trying their best to build on the platform. I am an optimist.

thanks a lot, can we get in touch on telegram also or whatsup?

Sorry, I don't use telegram nor whatsup. Viber, discord, ...

can i set you as my recovery account? that is why i would need a email or telephone number to get in touch whit you if needed

Aha, now I see. Of course, you can. I am honored.

We'll get in touch.

looking this post

the impression is that hive is still active, less people and posts but still a lot compared to all the rest in blockchain @ervin-lemark