Back up to 5 but slow

in EXHAUST3 years ago (edited)

These posts are automatically made by connecting Strava to xhaust and then manually edited to make it less robot-like, if I remember.

I just finished a 5.116km run that lasted about 0hh:38mm:24ss !


I've been struggling to get out regularly since just before Christmas. And now suddenly it's April! OMG.

It's really affected my thinking about running and that just makes it harder to get out there in the first place as well as to keep going when I'm out.

But today I decided to give myself a break in return for getting out at all. I eased off, slowed down generally and took a minute or so walking breaks at the end of each kilometer. All of which meant I was able to get back up to 5k for the first time in a while. It's a nice pattern, never getting to exhaustion, slowing down a bit towards the end, but managing moments of real running.

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Well done on getting there. The year is racing by, but can't seem to make up its mind what season we are in. Just getting out can be hard when it's freezing. Keep on pushing and the running should improve. I seem to have gone a bit backwards lately, but I'll keep at it anyway.

Stay well.

yeah, very cold this morning!

was able to get back up to 5k for the first time in a while

Good job buddy! It can be frustrating when returning after a long break but I think you did the right thing by taking it easy and doing those breaks. The only bad workout is the one you didn't do!

Well done Lloyd. The start is always the hardest, it will get easier from this point on!