Morning Ride, New Bike

in EXHAUST3 years ago (edited)

I just finished a 51.882km cycling that lasted about 2hh:1mm:24ss !


Did something to my back yesterday day so have been feeling very tendor and should probably not be doing a 50km ride. I did get a new bike though and have been dying to take it out for a ride this week.

It's been crappy and rainy but today was a beautiful Autumn day and I really enjoyed the ride despite a little pain.

Stay Strong Everyone!
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I really want a street bike like that. At the moment I only have a mountain bike and the people that have bikes like this pass me like I'm not even moving. No doubt they are much more efficient and since I almost always do on-road biking, there isn't any real reason for me to use a mountain bike.

 3 years ago  

This was an upgrade from my old commuter bike and is only entry level so not too expensive either. Bikes are a lot more expensive in NZ than what they are in other parts of the world so you should be able to pick something up at a reasonable price
By the way, I love the health and fitness posts you put out...keep it up mate

Nice ride. I've not been cycling for a while. Need to get out there soon.


 3 years ago  

Thanks @steevc Hopefully you get some time soon mate.


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