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RE: Morning Run: Pump it up

in EXHAUSTlast year

Just near that is a 'village pump' they got for the millennium. I expect that's another salesman flogging tat. It's not even where the original pump was and serves no purpose. Then need to spend more on fixing all the potholes.


Is it the same down your way as it is up here. I swear that some roads are becoming un-driveable up here. There is one I now avoid even though it adds loads to my travelling time because the road is so bad. I hear more people getting bust tyres now from potholes too. I am hoping that in April with the resetting of budgets they might put a bit of work into it

You probably get it worse, but some roads here go bad and people had punctures. My son had one the other week. In the dark you just can't see the holes. You would think by now they would know how to makes roads that last.