1st of the year

in EXHAUST3 years ago

I just finished a 7.032km running that lasted about 0hh:33mm:20ss !


Yesterday I was not in good conditions after the New Year's eve, I woke up very late and I decided to stay all the day at home with the family.
Today I was almost convinced that I would not run because the temperature outside was really cold but , at the end, I couldn't resist the temptation of running my prefered hill at 6 Degrees Celsius late in the evening.
I did not find anyone in the street. Seems that people are still recovering from the abundant meals of the Christmas and New years day...or perhaps it is just the unpleasant weather, I don't know but I had all the path only for me this time.
One of my objectives for this 2021 is to end within the top 3 runners of @exhaust. It is going to be difficult knowing the competitors, in particular @ervin-lemark who is running EVERY DAY but I think it is achievable.
Hopefully the pandemics is going to be more under control and so, I would be allowed to run further and longer.

Keep on running!



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@toofasteddie, New Year Tiredness. Happy new year and have a healthy and blessed year ahead.

Same for you my friend!

Thank you so much.

Good running. I will struggle to get into the top few on Exhaust, especially if more runners join up, but that is okay. We each have our own goals. I struggle to run every day, but I aim to do a bit more this year.


No goals for me in terms of competition this year so, my only goal is to be healthy!

I aim to go a little further and I hope a little faster too. We shall have to see what competition is possible.

 3 years ago  

Sounds cold mate, but nice work for getting out for a run.
Regards Vince

It is achievable, you'll do it!

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*Reblogged by @runningproject

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