New Trail found

in EXHAUST2 years ago

I just finished a 6.186km running that lasted about 0hh:32mm:16ss !


We have found a new path on our run. Perfect for the dog to explore.
The run has been average, without putting too much effort, mainly aerobic although on uneven terrain.
We continue adding kilometers in our search to break the tedious work routine and the successive confinements in which the stupid virus forces us to be from time to time.
Keep on running!
Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!


Great! You know, I think you have one of the most happiest dog in the world :)

I'm sure he is

 2 years ago  

Nice work mate and always good to find a new running route. Enjoy!

Keep on getting those miles in... You inspire more than you know

I hope so, we are a tiny running community here

Always good to find a new route. We need variety. You are lucky to have a regular running buddy.


yes, for the regular runs, Enzo is a great fellow!

I just finished a 6.186km running that lasted about 0hh:32mm:16ss !

That is very good (or maybe I suck at athletic tasks). Hope you are doing well!

So far so good for the moment... what about you?

I have been selling some crypto due to being in a more financially tough spot. It's only some small scraps and I am living a very minimalist life. So everything is still OK.
Best of Luck!