“Till Poverty Do Us Apart”

in HiveGhana4 months ago (edited)


When I was going to the university, my uncle told me so many times the caliber of “husband” to bring home if I ever think of bringing a husband home. Let me tell you something, I was barely 18 years. So imagine a 17 year old girl going to the University with this mindset. If I should count the number of times he reminded me of this husband requirement list, let me see…one, two, three, thousand. Someone will think I’m joking but I’m not. He told me so many times that I should end up with a financially successful man that can take care of me and my future kids.

In Senior High School, our teachers told us to learn hard and get into university. Study well and graduate with good class to attract successful and responsible men. So with what my uncle said and what I was told in school, I was ready to kill every examination paper. I had to get a good class to get a good and rich husband. I studied and did all that I was supposed to do, but look at me now, more single than pringles.(I don’t even know what that statement means but I hear people say it a lot)

Let’s get to the interesting part. It got to a time, somewhere after university, I wanted to introduce a “boyfriend” to my mom because my whole family wanted to know who my boyfriend was. Meanwhile, whiles I was in school, all the boys were my brothers( I brother zoned all of them). I simply wanted to get a good class to get a good husband but I didn’t know all those “brothers” were potential husbands. The kind of pressure that some of my friends have used to enter marriages, I can hit my chest three times and say they didn’t marry out of love. They probably had an uncle like mine who advised them to come home with rich husband.

Oh and with where the world is going, what’s more satisfying for a Gen Z than a vacation trip to Dubai or Singapore, or even Bali. All Gen Zs want rich husbands after all, no matter how much they love each other in the marriage, it’s not 2 slices of love they’ll have for breakfast. Gone are the days where both couple work to raise the family. Now, a woman will say her money is just hers but her husband’s money is for both of them. These days, the slightest thing happens in a marriage and either the man starts sleeping somewhere else or the woman packs to her mother’s house.

It’s even worse if the husband loses his job. The moment the marriage faces financial crises, it automatically comes to an end. You think if that’s what our parents did, they would have been together for 40 years plus? Honestly, I just blame social media. Imagine someone saying she doesn’t believe in love so she’ll marry for money just because her favorite social media couple broke up.(Well done madam, so your parents who have been together for 20 years look like a joke to you right?)

Anyway, for me I genuinely think apart from peer and social media influence that would make a woman marry for money instead of love,the family of the woman is also a great factor. Imagine if I took my uncle’s advice in level 100, I definitely would have made it a priority to look for one rich man and love wouldn’t even be a factor in the marriage, after all that’s not even what I was looking for in the first place.

All Images Are Mine


Well, there are so many standard set by different people on social media for marriage even when they havent gotten married.
Well, I dont think its cool to marry someone out of love. But in the end, you can't eat a loaf of love, even if you present it on the table like you did in your image.

I think you mean it’s cool to marry out of love

Nope, thats not what I am saying. if you marry out of love. Its the worst but the terms of marriage or the rules of marriage have been change that people can go in and out of it like relationship

You said “you don’t think it’s cool to marry out of love”

I’m shocked

I mean
To marry where there is no love 😫😫

Our of love
Meaning where love doesn’t exist

I would say this, everyone has their reasons for marriage, the same way we've heard most of our parents marry for different reasons even though at the end of the day, they had to learn to love their spouses. Our parents once used to do the "choosing spouses for their children", "marrying to unit two different villages, state or local government area", "betrothed" and the rest we can think of.

Marrying because of love, marrying because of money, whichever one they choose, all I hope is that they are accountable and take responsibility for their choices. I don't have to say it is wrong or right because I won't live with them or be a part of the consequences of their actions whether good or bad 🤷‍♀️

I am not a Gen Z though, you may not know the reasons she made such decisions, but let's not forget that people make decisions base on their experiences and perspectives about life. If love is the reason, fine for them and if money is the reason also cool.

One thing I tell people, do not be pressured to do anything, especially something as important as marriage, be the one to make your decisions so you live by it and not blame anyone for the choices.

Beautiful write-up

You’re right

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I think marrying for money is even better than marrying a man who could breath.

I've come across ladies who are looking for rich husbands but unfortunately those guys didn't even marry them and when those ladies sees that time is no longer on there side they'll now just want to marry any man that comes there way.

Yeah I get you

Marriage is an institution that has no formula one has to be ready to learn and relearn

Yeah no formula at all

Hehe, perhaps your uncle didn't want you to suffer the torns of poverty
However, marriage should b built on love
It's a matter of necessity for a happy living

Yeah, right

Babe, that was an unnecessary pressure from your uncle but glad you didn't succumb to the pressure. Your colleagues who married out of money, it's either it favour them or they regret it
Just be yourselves..make friends, pursue your dream and at the right time, your better half will locate u


Yeah I am going after my dream right now and I hope I get there soon

Thank you so much

That's the spirit
Keep the ball rolling

Oh my! I enjoyed your post. So funny too.

"but look at me now, more single than pringles"

Why won't you know the meaning of that word? Why bring it here then? 🤣 anyways, I helped you with the meaning and here is what I got....
The phrase "more single than Pringles" is a humorous and playful way to emphasize someone's single status. Pringles, the potato chip brand, come in a can and are packed together in a stack, implying they are "never single." By contrast, saying someone is "more single than Pringles" suggests that their level of being single is even greater than that of the chips, which are never truly alone. It's a lighthearted expression often used in a self-deprecating or joking manner.
Thanks to Chatgpt and Princessbusayo 🙃😑😑

Now, a woman will say her money is just hers but her husband’s money is for both of them.

Yes, I still hold onto this statement oo and I am of the belief that my husband's money is ours 🤑😏

Those who go into marriage out of love do regret later and many are pushed into it with the wrong purpose which is to find a man who has it all, why not advise them to work hard too? A man shouldn't marry just to carry the whole burden na, a woman must contribute too.

Thank you for the article, explaining all that I needed to know 🤣🤣

Truly, pressure from parents or other close relations have pushed some girls to take the wrong path in life. When a girl is desperately looking for an established man to marry, it might not end well all the time. The place of genuine love shouldn't be compromised. You did well by not allowing your uncle's words to push you into jeopardizing your future.


Yeah I agree that marriage shouldn’t be something to be pressured into

I brother zoned all of them

!LOLZ this is so funny, especially as you were brother zoning them because you wanted good grades to attract a good man... but these guys at University were possibly prime prospects! I guess you have to look back at this and laugh now, right??? I'm curious now as to what will motivate the next generation. I enjoyed this piece, Abena 🤗

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.


Haha, yeah they were all prime prospects

Thank you so much dreemer