
It's very sad.
And also, it's how the world has turned to.

If you get into the position today, you would get influenced.

Trueeee or false?
I'm waiting 😂😂

lol. I am not there to experience what makes them the way they are, but honestly, I wouldn't neglect my duties. Matter of fact, my line of work is directly affiliated to customer service and trust me when I say this" we get the most irate customers'' there is.

But we don't flip on customers no matter how hard they come at us. You remain professional and also be empathetic. If you have empathy, you understand them well. At the end of the day, you are also a customer to someone, how would you want to be treated? That is the question to ask yourself.

Yeah, I get your point.

I think the reason they all act like that is because they're not monitored.
Funny enough, even the top people that are supposed to monitor the system are victim of this trait too.... afterall, it's not their father's business 😂

Is there space in your workplace? Get me employed because the way you narrated, it's obvious you're one of the bosses lol😂

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 abeg I'm not a boss. lol lol lol

Second to boss, right?

lol no.

Which position, I want to know