in HiveGhana7 months ago

What do you do when I feels like all hope is lost. When the energy with which you begin something starts dying of? How then do you get yourself together to keep pushing regardless...


Hmmm, this has been my dilemma for a couple of months now.... How do you people do it.. tell me let have on open conversation because I need to jear from you guys too. I thought I had it all but no I have loose guard. Things I use to do before I lost energy for. My battery has run down and no motivation 😭. I think I need a different approach to getting back stronger. I pray for strength to keep going and doing the things I love doing regardless the weight that is bearing me down.
To my hive family you girl is back like she never went. I need your tips on how you keep afloat despite how well you can swim. I am opened to tips and tactics.


It's good to be back. I have learned to be consistent and that is what has kept me going all these years. To be consistent, you will need to find time out of your daily busy schedules for an engagement here. Connect with other like minded individuals who can help you enjoy what you do here, avoid the entitlement mentality in order not to be disappointed when your expectations are not met. There are many tips that you will learn to help you in your journey on Hive and I would recommend that you join our weekly meetings on the Discord for more. Lemme know if you need link to join @airlikem

Absolutely!! I will love to join pls seen me the link. Consistency is really key... That's the strength I pray for. To be consistent regardless. Thanks so much for reaching out and giving me some solutions. I appreciate dearly.😍🙏

 7 months ago (edited) 

Join us here @airlikem

Appreciated I sure will join

Have you joined?