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RE: I'm Not So An Early Sleeper

in HiveGhana2 months ago

I have the same issue with sleeping as working across timezones mean I end up still on calls till early morning. I am trying to cut it as much as possible, but still unable to sleep early. For eg. it is 1:45 in the morning right now :) I envy you being able to sleep as soon as you put your head on a pillow. Since the pandemic I am just not getting sleep even if I feel drowsy. Probably some exercise is needed as my work means I am sitting indoors all day long.

Hahaha, your post made me start thinking of my own sleep. Sorry about that :D

I love the various watches you wear.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Inasmuch as we need to work to earn a living, we equally need rest so we don't break down and spend the earnings on medication.

Since the pandemic I am just not getting sleep even if I feel drowsy. Probably some exercise is needed as my work means I am sitting indoors all day long.

Poor you, could it be that you're going through something that needs looking into, maybe seeing a therapist?. You know sometimes we think we're totally stable while in truth some areas of our lives aren't.

Having some form of exercise, I believe will still help, maybe a brisk walk, and yes, meditation - remember creative work hour sessions. I hope you find a way that will work for you.

I love the various watches you wear.

Oh, you noticed 😂. Thank you. I love sizeable frame watches but sadly these ones are spoilt now.
Cheers too.