Just Another Mom's Story

in HiveGhanalast month

A month ago, I woke up one morning feeling like a zombie, I looked into the mirror and it looked like someone had switched my body into a strange homeless woman during the night. No offense to a homeless woman though, I cross my heart 💘

The saying behind every well-fed and taking good care of baby lies a Mom who looks like a homeless woman becomes so clear to me.

And I was like, this is not my body, can Funmi, my best friend come and get her body and give me mine back?😅


But that was my reality, my son was running a high temperature for three days straight, even after we had been to the hospital and medication was prescribed for him. It is a teething fever we were told, we just had to give him the medications and wait till his temperature normalized. And when things like that happened, he hardly slept at night, he would cling to me and make me stay awake to comfort him through the larger part of the night.

I took a look at him sleeping peacefully on one side of the bed, where I finally successfully laid him down around 4 a.m. that morning. A voice in my head interrupted my inner thoughts by screaming at me, "To better go get my morning work done before he gets up". I do not have much of a choice than to honorably obey that voice🤣😭 sadly.

And on top of all that sleepless night, it was a Sallah day, where we were going to celebrate the Eid al Fitr. We had friends coming over to celebrate with us during the day, which means no matter how zombielike I get, I must get my *ss up and do my work. At the end of the day, you realize how much of a great strength that lies inside a mother.

All I'm saying is that. If there is something I never truly get, it is the amount of time and effort required to be a great mom.

I mean, not that I never witnessed a lot of Mom before me, went through so much, but there are certain stuff we can't comprehend until we experience it first hand.

I used to wonder why my mom worked so hard at home and hardly found the time to rest. But now I understand better.

And I think some of us might think that we can have it easier, at least so I thought, a motherhood job isn't easy no matter how you do it. And for a couple who lives far away from their families, things can sometimes get incredibly tough for us.
From tenor.com

Do I regret being a mom, Heaven no! I will choose to be a mom a thousand times to my amazing son.

Because no matter how tough things get or how exhausted I feel sometimes, just one smile from him would melt my heart and recharge my energy and that is all the sign I need that it's all more than worth it.

And oh, the sight of his two new premolar teeth coming out a few days later, is a beauty to be held.

This is my response to one of #hiveghana's engagement topics.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, have a great time at your end.

@funshee ✍❤🥰


A child running high temperature for three days can be worrisome for mom, coupled with the fact that he didn't get sleep at night. So sorry about the whole discomfort..it's a sacrifice that worth doing. I hope your child feels better now?
My warm regards to him 🤗

Thank you so much, he is very okay now, and those teeth are out already. !LUV

nkemakonam89, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Oh... great 😃👍
What a relief

Thank you 🙏🥰

It is a teething fever we were told

Oh, I feel for Adeiza. I know how tough this stage is for a child and I used to feel like switching place with them so I can take on those pains they experience at that time. I don't like seeing little kids crying and experiencing pains. I believe it is a relief to him now since it has been over a month now.

Motherhood is a great thing and I love that you are proud of it and I don't think any mother should say she regret it even if it's a tough one. May God keep helping all mothers out there.

Happy mother's day in advance, mama 😘 💓

Thank you so much, dear Princess, if only we could switch places with our little ones when they are in pain, things could have been a little bit easier since we can take more pain than them hehe.

Yes, he is doing okay now, since two teeth came out a few days later after the fever.

And yeah, no regrets, never🥰😆

Thank you for your wishes and a big amen to your prayers for all mothers. ❤🥰🙏🙏

That's great. I love when I see teeth coming out of kids mouth 😄
Send my greetings to him.

Haha, it is always cute.

He will hear your warm greetings.

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you very much for the curation.🙏😍

You have been an amazing mother. Time and space might not permit me to write everything that i have in stock for you. I want to remind you that Adeiza and I love you.

Thank you very much babe, and we love you moreeeeeee❤❤❤❤🥰 for always being by our side.

@tipu curate

Thank you very much 🙏😍 !LUV

tobetada, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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For a child not to sleep for a whole 3 days is something worrisome, thank God he was able to get well, all under the watch of a wonderful mother like you. Being a mother requires a whole lot of sacrifices and I guess that's why most women can't stand it.

Motherhood is a sweet journey that comes with exhausting duties.
Well-done 🙌

Thank you very much dear, kids can sometimes be mothers' headaches and paracetamol at the same time. !LUV

I'm just glad my son is doing great now.

queenkong, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Developing teeth can be very painful for children but even more for the mother who takes care of them, they feel the pain of their children, mom's are the best compassionate people towards their children. You're doing very well in your being a mom journey, keep it up and I hope your son grows into a very responsible, handsome young man, I trust your ability 🌺😁❤️.

Thank you so much Sis🥰❤ I'm doing all the best I can.

And a big amen to your prayers.

i really need to know how you pulled the string of not sleeping throughout the night coupled with the Eid celebration.

i wish you could just tell me the time you finally sleep.

i really salute your effort and energy. all i can say is your dividend will show for all to see.

Hehehe, it wasn't easy but I'm just glad 😆 everything is fine now.

And thank you so much for your kind words.

I once said in one my write up regarding parenthood, "If only there was a manual for parenting and detailed illustration of what a parent will go through by nurturing a child, parenting wouldn't be so tasking". What parents go through can never be fully explained because there are times when you witness some uncomfortable situation and you wouldn't be able find the right words to describe it. Kudos to every parent out there doing their best to ensure their children stays well and healthy.

You just nailed it, there are times I really wish there is a form of manual, so that I could just slip the pages and find answers. But there is none we can only learn and grow along the line.

Big amen to your prayers for every parent 🙏😊