Nothing to write about so just a ramble. #500wordsaday

in 500 Words a day4 years ago


Ref: nftshowroom collection

Life has gotten a bit repetitive at the moment as we have gone back into a level 5 lock down here. That just means that all non essential businesses and activities are closed and movements are restricted. I won't even get into a full post on that as it is madness what is being done by our government right now and will have a lasting devastation on our country as a whole. People and businesses for no good reason that can be quantified.

I can't complain too much as apart from the very boring year and current sense of not quite depression but more lack of purpose or motivation to do anything. My year has not been to bad and i haven't been overly affected by the pandemic. I still have a job and a house to live in with a good relationship that fits in nicely.

Right now it's mostly the lack of motivation to do anything as all plans this year have been cancelled and there is nothing to look forward to. I love doing things and as of right now there is nothing to do. I had a lovely weekend planned for our anniversary that had to be cancelled and back up plans that also had to be cancelled. We ended up having a lovely weekend but never got to get away from my area.

The thing that i used to look forward to most every week was football on a Thursday night which got me outside and meeting other people. Also cancelled until xmas. They say that they are trying to get the virus down in time for xmas but very few cases came form shops or businesses. It was all households which we can see even under lock down are still mixing and spreading cases.

This will be over at some stage but even writing has lost it's color for now as there is nothing to write about. I want to be active and living life which gives me things to write about. I will try to keep posting daily but need something to shake the mood first. The thrill is gone right now and need something to bring it back.

The only thing from today was a few purchases on @nftshowroom that cheered me up and peaked my interest. Small steps to get back in good habits and new experiences on hive to make it enjoyable. There are some great art works on the site and i will be buying for trade and seeing if i have an eye for profit in the art world.

The great thing about hive is that it really fills out your cv.

  • Content producer
  • Influencer
  • Gamer
  • Art trader
  • Investor
  • Stake holder
  • Visionary

My next job application will be interesting.

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I can't complain too much as apart from the very boring year and current sense of not quite depression but more lack of purpose or motivation to do anything

Know the feeling pal. Not only has all the fun stuff been taken away, re-arranged or outright cancelled, but there currently seems to be no end in sight.

Posting on Hive and exploring/learning about the rest of the crypto stuff is the only thing keeping me occupied and 'actively engaged' these days.

I think it's everybody. I still love hive and it keeps me busy but just need a new challenge or something to bring back the drive. This won't be forever, even if it feels that way. 😂

I'll cheer up soon, once I get my motivation back.

Posted using Dapplr

Know how you feel mate as I'm sure everyone does as this pandemic situation sucks. The mood and motivation is low and now with nights drawing in before 5pm, it's going to be a tough winter for many.

I'm glad I still have the 2020km challenge to get me out the house and exercise, good for the soul, not the knees so much!

You getting ready for power up day ? Hench bee incoming on the first?

I think a lot of people are in the same boat these days. Just the way things are. As I said, I don't have it too bad so just feeling sorry for myself and will shake it off soon.

I've had a solid month of powering up. I was getting ready for a good bump on the first of the month but went to nft showroom and bought a few pieces. Hoping to turn a profit on them later. Just looking at anywhere I can make some profits.

Posted using Dapplr

I'm sure you will.

You and me both mate, right now, I'm looking at CeFi options to passively make a return on my BTC holdings. Obviously the leasing of HP is going well here and now trying to build up positions with the Hive Engine tokens. I'm going for level 5 hench bee power up on Sunday