This is another intriguing prompt for this week Thinkers Corner by @kenechukwu97. I really enjoy this month's challenge, it gives me the ability to dig seriously into my innermost thoughts.

Do you need to stop telling someone what to do? Why? Tell us about it in this week's challenge!

Advising people can be annoying at times. I used to believe that we should only provide advice to the people we love, but that is no longer the case. People who receive advice sometimes have ulterior motives and feel like they are being controlled. Because I dislike the word "control," I choose to ignore most things rather than give advice.


I had a roommate in my first year of college who loved to go out and never attended lectures. I took my time to chat with her and give her advice about her improper behavior.

This particular day she went out as usual and stayed overnight, she came back the next day and couldn't make it to class, we had an urgent test and the lecturer promised to record it as our assessment, when I returned home I told her all that happened in school and also advice her about life, she shouted at me and ask if I was the one paying her school fees, the first statement pissed me off "Are you my parent" I was amazed at such statement from her and decided to pretend as if nothing happened.

I read a book some days after the incident and it says that advising someone all the time can make them feel less independent and autonomous. The freedom of everyone to make their own decisions and choices must be respected.

Also, Giving someone constant advice can also result in a power imbalance that hinders sincere communication and self-assurance in a friendship. Putting a high value on effort, communication, and careful listening can help to foster healthy relationships.

But to me I don't think I am doing much, all I want is for her to have a better life and face what she was in school for not to be partying every day, we avoided me for the semester because I couldn't console her excesses and left the house we paid for because of my constant advice.

After she left she became the talk of the town, one of the big girls on campus and she always told people that I acted as if I was her parent and my life was so boring and she couldn't live with me that was why she left the house, I heard this from a course mate and this made me vow never to advise people again.

But not because of what she said to me or how she reacted but because I think refusing to advise people at times will help them become more capable of solving their problems. They will need to exercise critical thinking, evaluating situations, and decision-making which is the most important thing in life.

She ran back to me after the first semester results were out, stating that she wished she had followed my advice since she was having problems with her grades, which hindered her from graduating with us.

This teaches her a lesson and that was when I understood that allowing people to make their own decisions and deal with the positive and negative outcomes can help them grow as persons. It gives them the chance to grow more independent and learn from their experiences. She learned her lesson and stopped all night walk and focused more on her studies but I never said anything to her that looked like advice.


Posted using Neoxian City


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 191 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Aside from the word "control", those who mess up but dislike getting advice also like to say that you are trying to "cage" them. They are just too arrogant to listen to what they are doing wrong.

However, all their focus and attention are on playing the victim card and getting people to clap for them while they go on with their bad and disgusting attitude.

When they finally realize that they have been surrounding themselves with people who do not question them, they make a U-turn and it may be late at that time.

That was what I realized about my roommate and I had to let her be, but later she came begging that no one had time to correct her ways like I always do, she learned her lesson from her story.

Most people think when you advise them that you are trying to rule them or deprive them of some good life not knowing that you want the best for them, giving them the chance to satisfy their mind is the best thing.

I believe we can force a horse to the river but we can never force the horse to drink water, if I advise someone and the person thinks I am controlling him or her, I will rather use my tongue to count my teeth and stay on my lane rather than been embarrassed.

Hi @eunice9200,

Since you have been absent for more than 2 months, maybe it is time for you remind yourself of the rules of the 50K List Power Club by revisiting it.

Here is the link where you can find the rules:

Posted using HiveLIST

I will do that now

Atleast she learnt her lesson . Age is only a number.
she felt you guys were thesame age, so you were too small to advise her.
Sometimes, Experience is the best teacher

If she had listened earlier, she wouldn't have failed her courses.

I don't blame her. She's not the one paying for her fees and accommodation because if she truly is, she'll know what it takes to have a kobo.

My dear, she was misbehaving because she gained admission into the university and now joined new set of friends.

I don't just get it at times (lol, I do, but just don't want to understand) how people change immediately they get to higher institutions.

It is like a big girl has arrived kinda mentality.