From The magic Prickly pear ... Nopalea cochenillifera ... to The magic of Celandine (Chelidonium majus)


Music has always been the cure for the soul and mind ... Since the ancient times, when the shamans were healing everyone from their villages ...

This time maybe we'll step as well inside the power of the fruits and plants from the Mother Nature ...

Maybe some of this kind of fruits would help most of the people from our society to escape from the problem of diabetes, high cholesterol

High in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals this fruit also known as Nopalea cochenillifera is a blessing for this Earth ...


With this quantity of water 80.94 g this fruit can provide the value of energy arround 14 kcal ...

You can find them under the colours of yellow and light green to orange, pink, and red, depending on the variety and ripeness.


Unfortunately, you cannot find them very easy, since the climate is not proper all over the world ...

This shrub is a xerophytic plant with a very good adaptation to semi-arid climatic conditions, therefore it's very well present in regions with sandy soils ...

People from Italy, especially from the South region, are really lucky to be able and harvest this miraculous plant and its fruits.

For example, people who are consuming a minimum of serving of 86 grams of prickly pear per day, they are very lucky to asimilate a percentage pof 0.393 mg of manganese, 141 mg of calcium, 45 mg of magnesium, 8 mg of vitamin C and 0.51 mg of iron. We all know how important these natural compunds taken directly from an organic source...

Whoever lives in an area with Nopalea cochenillifera they should consider themselves blessed and they need to be happy cause they can consume such an amazing fruit ...

Our next introspection will be inside the world of Chelidonium majus ...


In this short blog i've thought to introduce to you another magical plant that was growing for ages on our Earth and especially in regions from Europe and western Asia, being also introduced in North America.

Its latin name is Chelidonium majus but in english we know it as Celandine and in romanian language for instance it's known as Rostopasca.

Its leaves are similar to the ones of the oak, having many ribs.

The yellow or orange sap within, flows abundantly when the stems or roots are broken.

It has some miraculous power to heal and regenerate the liver and as well in the treatment of eyes cataracts even if this might be not so pleasant ...

I remember when my grandmas'were using it even to treat warts.
The yellow sap has this magical role of burning and drying up the warts without needing any surgical intervention.

I am very happy to have Chelidonium majus in our garden.

People must be very careful when they will try to use this plant in internal cures through consuming tees made from it's dried stems made powder or just by simple boiling them in hot water.

Used in higher quantity it an become toxic.

I've always respected the traditional way of healing our bodies, especially through this kind of medicinal cures that were transmitted from a generation to another, like our grandparents did.

I guess some of you may have this magical plant inside your gardens. Use its tea wisely, especially to cure the liver problems.

The tea made from this plant is also good to treat skin problems.

When i'm looking around me, i'm realizing that the Nature provides everything we need to have balanced Life ... oly the humans are somehow complicating the things and everything ends up in a totally mess ...

Maybe it's from the liver ... 'cause it's filled with too much toxic fat ... :-)

Regards people and stay safe wherever you are in this World right now.

Enjoy some of my music as well...

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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Thanks @chitty

Enjoy your day ...

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