Is tech changing the image of Africa.

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago


Did you know that Africa has a large number of young intellectual individuals that are seldom given the opportunity to demonstrate their discoveries and participate to technological progress? A variety of causes contribute to this, including a lack of knowledge, unemployment, a limitation of Internet connection, a lack of money, and a lack of individuals with whom to cooperate.

Many thanks to the hive ecosystem for creating the blockchain and technology that has changed the tale for some of us. Despite the fact that the internet is regarded as one of the most costly commodities in Ghana, it is becoming increasingly accessible and common to those who choose to utilise it to discover more about subjects such as web3.0, Robotics, and algorithms that they might otherwise have skipped out here on.




Beginning a tech firm has never been simpler; a startup may begin with application development, then finance AI research with money earned from apps, and eventually switch to an AI-first startup, just by starting someplace. It's not surprising given that Google was formerly simply an Ads firm that has subsequently emphasised AI driven solutions and therefore become an AI first organization.

Some people throughout the globe, I suppose, still have a bad image of Africa, yet as more Africans try to address their own issues in new directions, that image is steadily shifting and will soon be entirely modified.
However, as seen by Google's decision to establish an advanced AI research facility in Ghana, the situation is changing. As a data-driven firm, Google must have noticed something in Africa. There is a bright future ahead of us.



Good to see that there are internet cafés with many users in Ghana. I remember regularly visiting an internet café in Budapest, Hungary around 2002-2003. I played multiplayer games, and I used to browse the internet too. A few years later (in 2005) I started using the internet at home. At first it was a slow ADSL internet, but the technogy and the availablity is improved a lot over the years. Hopefully more and more people will have access to the broadband internet in Ghana too.

In the years ahead, l hope to see that, Starlink will extend internet usage to places like Ghana to help improve connectivity. Thanks for your addition.

Good Jobs. Best team..

Team to works

Thanks buddy

Stay the course my friend. You're doing amazing things.

I am glad that you like what we do.

I'm honestly am impressed with the real world implementations you're doing with HIVE. I'm a fan, no lie. I'm watching and gaining ideas. America isn't the same as people want ease of use. So gaining users here and gaining a following is way more difficult. Either way you're doing great things.

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