All San Diego Schools CLOSED

in The City of Neoxian4 years ago


I jumped ahead of the curve by letting my kids stay home since Wednesday, but it seems that the Superintendent finally agrees with me.

I was getting kind of weary with all the rules they were imposing.

  • No sports
  • Separating the kids for lunch
  • No assemblies
  • No field trips (even to schools that were from across the street to each other)
  • No Parent/Teacher conferences
  • No parents allowed in the schools

It seemed to me that since these measure were going on, it was best not to send the kids to school.

Glad I did not.

I don't think they would have caught a virus, but it sure did give me peace of mind.

It is crazy here in Chula Vista right now, lines outside of Costco even though its raining and paper goods running out.

Good thing I stocked up last week.

Frozen food, here we come. No need to leave the house if we don't have to.

Still can't decide.

Am I being paranoid? Or just overly cautious?

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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Better safe than sorry!

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment