How You Can Make the Impossible Possible ?

We create our mindset when we do something. Then we make some plans to do that. But when we started working according to that plan, we did something inside it that was not part of our plan. As we do in our studies sometimes we think that we will study all day today. But after 2 hours of continuous reading, we spend some time on mobile or play games. But we realize that our time is being wasted but we don’t stop playing games. Which means we think one, and do the opposite. As a result, many of our tasks take a lot of time to do simple tasks or are not possible. But we all want to make something big but we can't. But after doing that work for a while we realize that it is not possible by me. If one thing doesn't work again, we start doing another. We cannot be permanent in any work. How can this be done or how the impossible can be made possible?


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First we have to build our mindset in such a way that through this work I can achieve something new or something new can happen. You have to keep your mentality towards a job in a permanent way. We leave a lot of options before we do anything first. We don't think that if it doesn't work, you will apply step 2 before doing any work. So we have to create the mentality of how to be successful without relying on 2 steps.

You need to create a perfect area to meet your goals. Because our mind always wants to do something new. When you are working to achieve a goal, something may come to your mind that may hinder you from achieving your goal. Or something that can distract you. For this, you have to create an area or zone where you can get new ideas to achieve that goal.

It will take you a long time to prepare for an impossible task. We can get real examples of this from the Chinese. Now the Olympian game has started. Every year China is in the top 3 in this Olympic Games. This is not a common thing. To do this, players have to work hard for a long time. From a very young age, they are drawn to a particular field, the result of which is that they cannot attract anything other than that. As a result, they may be in the top 3.

Try to understand your situation. Because sometimes we start doing things when we ourselves are not ready for that situation. The result is the failure of our work. Before doing any work, you have to prepare yourself for that work first. So that even if you fail, don't come back from that job. Fight to make the impossible possible by fully preparing yourself.

Failure comes one time in every work . There is no guarantee that you will succeed in everything you do. It is not possible to do anything if you are afraid of failure. Impossible means you haven't made up your mind yet. Build your mindset before doing anything.