Neoxian City weekly paper - 2023-08-13


Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly

Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in and join us in our Discord chat to see what the latest is.

On the portal you can create your very own new account. BIG NEWS!

In the words of Mr Dragon himself,

"🐲🐉 BIG NEWS GUYS: Do you need to create a Hive Account? You can now do it with Neoxag! For 1500 neoxag, you can create a new hive account (like if you are onboarding a friend, or you just need a new account for something). You go to and click "Sign up"."

Amazing! New hive accounts through our very own Neoxian portal. Very cool!

Market Chat Analyst Job Role Created

Congrats to @Hurtlocker, Mr Dragon has granted him the new city job of Market Chat Analyst. The job will be to answer questions in ⁠#market-chat on our discord and to keep us up to date on the latest market trends, and otherwise promote that market chat.

Unbelievably awesome that our Neoxian Minetest is going full flow

We have a Minetest server which is similar to Minecraft where you can build things and win prizes. Mr Dragon is getting into full flow as he adds new mods every week.

Come in and give it a try.

Win our City Games by @zoology

We have weekly game events now ran by @zoology.

Check out what this weeks games are on our Discord.

Impressively, Momogrow is making waves as City Prompt Curator

Congrats to @momogrow who has been hired as City Prompt Curator

Momogrow has secured a neoxian, brofi and bdvoter vote on curated posts for beastly upvotes! Make sure to get involved.

This month's prompt winner post is as follows:

New Bro/Neoxag Liquidity Pools and Rewards!

We have added a new liquidity pool for Bro/Neoxag. Funded with bro and neoxag and 500 hive reward pool to those providing liquidity!

Read about it here!

delegate your workerbee to @neoxianminer.


We are running a hive engine witness node. Please don't forget to vote:

Please delegate your WORKERBEE to @neoxianminer if you would like to take part in our mining pool. The aim of this mining pool is to mine BEE whilst earning a little for the neoxian burn fund.

With the burn fund we will then buy back neoxag from the market and burn it.

Get better votes by using the website!

Please remember to use our website, it doesn't cost you anything. By only using our tag there is a 20% levvy on your neoxag earnings.

Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!

What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Join our Discord chat.
-- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.

We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.

What can you bring to us?

City of Neoxian Puzzler

Well done to Sholex and Chenty Yahuzah who both guessed 00:00 as the time I finished writing this paper. They both win 50 LGN winging its way to them tomorrow morning!!

The time I finished was recorded here: img.jpg

We'll rest this week but another puzzler coming to you next week!!

Weekly Giveaway Winners


Well done, a three way tie between foxy, princessbusayo, and vickoly, keep up the good work guys!

Thanks to @rosecane for providing us with a detailed chart of all the giveaway winners

Curation Station!

Our curators regularly scour the whole of Neoxian to find the best and sometimes most undervalued work to send into planetary orbit with our humungous weighted curation trail. If you observe our tribe we have one of the best trending pages and that is because our administration team weight the trail down with their HUGE votes.

These are our picks:

Please note: We only support original content here.We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here.

We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Splinterlands.

Our best picks of the week will be featured on our weekly newspaper highlights.

Best picks of the week

Our First pick of the week is from @lismarcarolina2

[Esp | Eng ] Pulsera de Corazones y Flores tipo Margaritas | Bracelet with Hearts and Daisy Flowers


The author took us through each step of how she made a bracelet with hearts and Daisy flowers.

Curated by @vickoly

Our next pick of the week is from @mdakash62

Today's recipe: Kachur Mukhi Potato and Mola Fish Shutki Bhaji 07/08/2023 in Bangladesh


The author took us through his recipe for making Kachur Mukhi potatoes and Mola Fish Shutki Bhaji.

Curated by @vickoly

Our next pick of the week is from @jishan5

Bholaganj Sada Pathor- Wonderful tourist spot in Sylhet, Bangladesh


Author shared a nice tourist spot (Bangladesh)
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @akkann

My Cat Is Among The Hay Bales /// Kedim Saman Balyaları Arasında (EN-TR)


Author shared his cute cat's new play ground
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @kriang3teejoe

Wat Mueng Rae (Pang Kwai), another small rural temple in the hill tribe village, Chiang Mai, Thailand.


Taking a spiritual dive

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @baibuaza

The Enchanting Beauty of Wat Rong Suea Ten: A Journey of Art and Spirituality


Having some spiritual engagement this week

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @meyateingi

My Guilty Pleasures (Sapa Can't Stop Me)


The author write about what she can't do without even when she is broke

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @starstrings01

Balancing Budgets: Gadgets and Grub on a Dime


The author writes about his challenges and how he is tackling them

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @ekna

Museu de Artes e Ofícios - Arts and Crafts Museum in Belo Horizonte - Brazil


The author shares with us their visit to Arts and Crafts Museum in Belo Horizonte, located in Brazil.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @miljo76

Down the slide and splash back to my childhood


The author recaps their experience after visiting Aquasplash Water Park, located in Italy.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @preeti

A Mesmerizing Trip To- Rameswaram Island!


The author has shared a post about "An amazing trip Rameswaram Island", wow tha trip is so amazing. You should check this out.

Curated by @bhattg

Our next pick of the week is from @kedi

Observations from Bangkok: Siam Paragon Mall and Chinatown


The author has shared a post about "a visit to Siam Paragon Mall and Chinatown", The place looks really beautiful to visit at least once

Curated by @bhattg

This is our weekly edition of NeoxianCity Newspaper. We would like to congratulate all the featured Authors. keep up the high-quality original content-generating work.

Burning 727 neoxag to promote this post!


Neoxian is a Hive Witness



You can vote for @neoxian on HIVE Witnesses

Do you know that you can earn NEOXAG tokens as passive income by delegating HIVE to @neoxiancityvb.


Thank you so much for your ongoing support @neoxian and @neoxiancity !PIZZA

Wohooo! The city’s paper. Thanks to Mr D and everyone that worked on this week’s paper. Congratulations to the three winners that shared the looter of the week.

Congratulations to @fox @princessbusayo and @vickoly - the love is shared - nice.

Great picks as always by the curators.

Posted using Neoxian City

Thanks so much momo

congratulations to the winners and enjoy your respective prizes

Thank you @burlarj and other amazing curators for this amazing feature, it's an honor. A big congratulations to all the winners

great work everyone 🔥🧘‍♂️

!giphy great job


Congratz to sholex and chenty for winning the puzzler this week! And thanks to all the curators for finding out such awesome posts and showcasing here 😎👌🏻

Congrats to all the winners, and good job to al curators.
Thank you Mr Dragon for the initiative of neoxian city, it brings smile to our face.

Congratulations to those selected of their content been curated

Congratulations to sholex and yahuzah for winning the puzzle. Also to Vic and princess busayo for emerging as the looters of the week.

Good job to all those who worked on this city paper
Thank you Mr D and Mr Ray for your amazing work in the city 🏙️🌆

Posted using Neoxian City

Congratulations to sholex and chenty for winning that huge price, Also congratulations to the looter of the week, Vic , fox and princess.

A big thank you to Mr Dragon and Mr ray for everything they have been doing for us.

Well done mr D, kudos to the curators of the neoxian city and congratulations to the selected posts of the week and congratulations to sholex and Chenty for winning the puzzler….

What a beautiful week 😘😘😘😘

Awesome paper of Lovely city 😍
Congratz to Mr. Vick, Fox and Princess for looting high all over the week hehe and who is this ShraziMcShrazi with only one win 🎉😆

Also congratz to Sholex and Yahuzah 🎉🎉 for winning the city puzzlr.

All thanks to Mr. Dragon and Mr. Ray 😇

Thanks boss

Welcome Foxie!

Wow.... the city paper looking so nice. Rose, you did a good job on designing the giveaway banner 👏 👌
Congratulations to my fellow looters, @quduus1, @vickoly and others.
Great job to the curators, you guys are doing amazing work in the city 👏

And to the puzzlers, this isn't easy but you won...congrats @sholex and @yahuzah

Thank you, Mr D for your support all the time.

Happy new week, guys and I wish us the best 👌

Posted using Neoxian City

Ahhhhhh thanks dear 😂😘

@quduus1, @princessbusayo, and @vickoly, congratulations on dragging looter of the week 🤣

Congratulations @sholex and @yahuzah for getting the puzzler right.

Well done to the curators for selecting awesome posts last week.

Thank you Mr Dragon for all of your support in the city and more.

Thanks so much dear.

You're welcome 🤗

Thank you, dear. ✌️

You're welcome

Ahahah 😘😂😂😂😂😂in a long time 😂😂😂

Hahaha... The bot decided to smile down on you 😁

Besides you were using voodoo 😂

A big congratulations to @sholex94 and @yahuzah for looting this puzzle.

Also congratulations to @quduus1 and @princessbusayo for being the Looter of the week..

Thanks Mr D for the support and kudos to all lucky authors who were Curated.

Thank you bro

Thank you, Vick.

You're welcome

Ahhhh my gee same here

You're welcome

Thank you for your support, Have a great week.

Wow puzzle looters, @sholex94 and @yahuzah congrats on your win.

And congrats to this week's three looters, I see Burl didn't win any last week... Weird! 🥴

Well done to all who worked on the city paper and thanks to Mr D for the support in the city 💯

Another best contents selection by curators last week. Hope this week's find and curate better contents on Hive community. Good luck.

Thank you for your support.

congratulations to the winners of 50 #LGN and I hope that we will be able to enjoy a new puzzle very soon

Congratulations @qudus1, you are still top looter. Congratulations @sholex and @yahuzah for winning puzzles. Neoxian City is the best one, thank Mr-Dragon for providing us more creative opportunities. I need to learn mintesters games.

Posted using Neoxian City

Hey my man thanks bro

Congrats to those who worked on the paper. Thank you Mr Ray for the puzzler win 😁. Congrats @sholex24

Congrats @vickoly @princessbusayo and @quduus1 for looting the most 🔥

Thank you, bro 🙏

Og thanks and Congo boss

Another wonderful week! Big grats to the winners and a really big thank you to everyone that helps make this possible!

Thanks to Mr. D and Mr. Ray for such a lovely paper!!
Congrats to Sholex and Yahuzah for looting big puzzler, wow you guys just wrote that without thinking a lot 00:00 and it worked for you hehehe enjoy the win
well well well now we have three looters of the week and this is not the first time, means looters are looting so well and competition is getting better , congrats to foxy, princess and ..... the next level looter Vickoly!!
Thumbs up and appreciation for Curation team for doing such a great job!!!!

Posted using Neoxian City

Yo man thanks

Many thanks Mr Ray for the puzzle, congratulations yahuzah and all the looters.

Nice city paper as always, kudos to all who worked on it.

Thank you Neo sir for your support always.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@darkflame(1/15) tipped @neoxiancity
bhattg tipped neoxiancity