Hello beautiful people. I watched a Japanese movie yesterday. It got to a part where someone broke into the kitchen of a house when the owner of the house was on the other side. This guy went straight to the pot and started eating hungrily like a hopeless thief. A few seconds later, the son of the man came into the kitchen to take something as he saw a stranger inside their kitchen.

This boy, being trained in the skill of Judo, started fighting and beating the boy who came to steal from their kitchen. Immediately, the father rushed into the kitchen and started scolding his son. Asking him reasons for beating up a stranger.

The boy answered to his father:- I caught him stealing our food. The father said, shut up. Can't you see he is only hungry? Bring him in, give him new clothes and enough food. From that day henceforth, the stranger became part of the family.

He no longer continued to steal people's food because he was not initially a thief, but he did that because of the condition of things.

He later became a better person.


I almost cried after watching that particular scene because it spoke to my conscience and humanity. Now, here are the lessons I want to teach you with this story:

■ Before you lynch, beat, or condemn anyone for committing an offense, first of all, try to find out the reason behind his/her actions. Don't be like those who only want to stone people to death without hearing their side of the story.

■ Motivational words are good but they cannot solve the problem of hunger. When you see someone who says he/she is tired of life and wants to commit suicide, while you are giving them motivation, try to find out their problems. Probably it may be that his/her problem is hunger, money, or even lack of a place to sleep. Even if you can't give them all, give them some.

■ Nobody was born a thief. It's either they turned out to be a thief because of the condition of the country or peer influence. He/she may be feeling guilty for stealing but can't stop it because it's their only source of livelihood. Take away stealing from them, you will see a beautiful soul. Check the internet fraudsters today, yahoo boys, kidnappers, and prostitutes. They have their reasons for venturing into such nefarious acts. So as a human, when you are in the position to help, help because you are helping humanity. So that tomorrow, you won't blame people for going into social vices, while you were capable of helping.

■ Not every poor person is lazy. Some are trying but as they try, life becomes hard for them. They can no longer hold on to the hustle because most of everything they've tried is not working out. That's why some are poor and begging. They have no connections, no link, no access to the kind of knowledge you have. So you should help by giving such people words of motivation and possibly money to sustain themselves. If you have connections, connect them.


■ Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.

Let's spread love, it's good for society.
