Hello beautiful people. Welcome to this interesting and enriching masterclass. By the end of today, you will have an equivalent knowledge of a Professional Certification in Basic Brain Function and Self Control Dynamics.

There will be short breaks at intervals to allow us to catch up with reading and then, I would love to see your reactions as that will allow me to know we are flowing together.

If you are ready for this ride. Love this comment and we will kick off.

Let's go! 😊



Self-control is the total of regulatory and management techniques employed by an individual to optimize their thoughts, their feelings, their decisions, and most importantly, their actions.

90% of the machinations that occur to produce self-control or lack of self-control happen within the twinkle of an eye,

For example: The people in this class right now who remarked with an emoji up there on that comment I asked you to like or love, they decided and within microseconds if they would do it or not and acted immediately they made the decision.

There is a complex system of events that took place for that to happen and if anyone can, they should give God glory because we humans possess the most enhanced processors in the universe:

OUR BRAIN; the chief dynamic processing unit that cannot be cloned.

The brain is the only reason why robots have not replaced us. Robots have excellent static self-control processing units but if one virus should attack the processing unit, that's all. However, humans have a dynamic self-control processing unit, we can mess up now, change in a few minutes, and become even better than we were by surpassing everybody's expectations. Likewise, a good person can also turn bad within the twinkle of an eye.

The reason we titled this class DYNAMICS is that you need more than your brain for self-control, there is a spiritual element involved which I will be exploring as we dive deeper, but before we consider spiritual augmentation, we must know the dominant factor in self-control is the BRAIN.

The Bible calls it "the heart" - As a man thinks in his heart so he is - the reason is because of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual interrelationship that occurs in the brain mixing up faith or belief, with knowledge and with emotions such as joy, sadness, etc.

So we will stick with the brain as the main term for now.

With this foundational explanation, I believe we now have a basic understanding of what self-control is and why it is dynamic. No two people have the same level of self-control, and no two people should be expected to pass a test and score the same.
