Hello beautiful people. How do you set up a working self-modification system?

  1. You must understand that you are not of your own, you owe your life to God and you will be accountable for it. So you must weigh every decision you are making against your future and eternity.

  2. Overcome phobias, start being afraid, and keep doing what you need to do because that is what will change your life.

  3. Change negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and actions, expose yourself to a better life, and don't settle for mediocrity. Don't do what everybody is doing. Quit addictive negative behaviors that will ruin your life. If you spend money every weekend on to ballad and barely have savings, your old age will be very sorrowful.

  4. Develop a new positive lifestyle through reinforced consistency, practical living, accountability partners, and self-reward. Pat yourself on the back when you achieve something great in life no matter how small it may seem. Celebrate yourself always.


Take home:

We have taken our time to give this topic a comprehensive look and a proper analysis checking in different areas where we have strengths and where we also have weaknesses.

Not all individuals have the same capacity to be self controlled or to be strong in the face of temptations, however having this knowledge to understand what we might fade and which part of our brains handles what is crucial because when we come across situations like those we raised and talked about, we can then handle them without fear.

Anyone who doesn't understand how his mind and body work is at risk of messing up on a grand scale because every one of us is going to be tested by our desires, our want for luxuries pressure from our peers, from the kind of lifestyle we want and life style choices we make and most importantly, we know that there are people looking up to us and all so we know that people talk about us so we want to impress people as well as make a name for ourselves in the process.

All of these boils down to how much we know about self control an how we can put that information into action as and when due.

This leverage is what will set us apart from people who just go along with life the way issues are presented to us.

Self-control is a combination of psychological modification, emotional interaction, spiritual regulation, and submission, it requires patience, dedication, persistence, and most importantly grace.

Stay focused through the process and you will come out on top.
