Hello beautiful people. Let's look at THE CEREBRUM

It is the largest part of the brain also known as the control tower of the brain. It is the youngest part of the brain, it is responsible for the things you know you are doing a.ka. Voluntary actions, such as:



This lesson I am taking now is controlled largely by the Cerebrum. Those of you who decided to be a part of this class, picking up your phone, unlocking it, clicking on what app, and entering this group are all controlled by the Cerebrum.

However, the Cerebrum is a messenger, it is the boy boy of the brain, and it is what the other parts of the brain tell it to do it will do.

His function is to suggest.

So let's liken the brain to an organization, the Cerebrum is the gateman of the brain. He notices everything and when anything is what's to enter the brain, they have to first meet the cerebrum to ask him if Oga dey around.

The cerebrum is very good at suggestions. He will be like look at that food, it looks so delicious, he will tell your nose to smell, the scent is heavenly, next thing, he will tell your ear to hear the person you went to visit when they are bringing a plate of food to you and also tell you to behave as if you didn't see them as being focused on the TV, then also to act surprised and it will suggest your hand to collect the food to check if it's cold or hot, then tell your tongue to taste the food, sending signal back and front to know if it's delicious or not.

All of these happen in microseconds.

However, it is only after Oga of the brain has decided he would like to eat that the Cerebrum will do all these.

So you can be there and not smell the food, don't look, don't hear, reject it, and also not taste it if Oga says no. Or maybe it's poison or maybe you are fasting.

You cannot depend too much and put all your experience in this stage of self control.
