Hello beautiful people. The Cerebrum does as it is told.

Let me use an example we all know, a man will turn back to look at the bombom of a woman only if the Oga said turn and look.

The cerebrum has seen the woman coming and he will run to the secretary which we will talk about in a minute and tell the secretary to tell Oga that this woman is fine o and will have a big backside.

Let's assume the secretary agrees and goes inside to tell Oga and Oga says don't turn, you will immediately have self-control as a man to face front and not turn.

You will just keep going.

The cerebrum controls all your Six Senses and Five sensory organs:
Sight, Sound, Smell, Speech, Touch, Emotions

90% of everything you do in life will involve one or more or even all of these organs or senses.

The Cerebrum is the one in charge of SELF REGULATION AND IMPULSE CONTROL


This is the first and weakest stage of self-control. It depends on other parts of the brain for it to work well and it always fails first.

What I just mentioned up there is an example of two different people, one was able to self-regulate and control his impulse and not turn back to look at bombom while the other one could not and looked.

It happens in many spheres as well.

Somebody can come to you with amebo, your Cerebrum will know about it once it enters your ear, he will run to the secretary again asking if Oga would like to hear gossip.

Oga will then decide yes or no.

If yes, gossip will begin with many lies included because the cerebrum will control the mouth to speak and the hands to clap especially when the lies are very sweet.

But when Oga says no, the cerebrum will tell the mouth to shut the other person up and the face will not smile. Soon the gossiper will decide to go away.

Think of any sensory decision you need to take, you must engage the cerebrum.

Self-regulation and impulse control are not enough for you to have self-control because as you grow, and with the advent of technology, every day the world comes up with new ways to beat the Cerebrum.

All advertisements that have to do with pleasure now have a very beautiful picture of a woman on it with sexy clothing. Even online vendors now put something pornographic to catch your attention. All secular videos have women shaking their asses to get you. Even cooking videos, will put one comedy there so that you will be glued. Or the chef will dance a little for you to see.

If it's something you can't see or smell, they will make a sound "Hmmmmm. So delicious, " and then the woman will sack her lips just to get you to buy the food.

You will not know when you enter Jumia Foods and order a seething of 21k. It is after it has been delivered and you have finished eating it you will realize you have 2500 left in your account.

If it's pain medication, there will be a man there holding his waist, or his back, to illustrate. Or find one popular Nollywood actor to make you buy it.
