Hello beautiful people. Let's look at THE CEREBELLUM
Also known as the Middleman, it is the little brain between the Cerebrum and the main Oga. The cerebellum is the secretary of the organization of the brain. He doesn't care about what is going on outside, his job is that of a PA, he can sometimes act on behalf of the Oga, especially on routine tasks and assignments but when it comes to important issues, he must ask from the Oga.

Every request that the cerebrum brings must pass through the cerebellum before it can be carried out both for approval and for direction.

It is the second oldest of the brain, and second in size after the cerebrum. It is somehow called the Tree of Life, it controls the good and bad things you do, and it doesn't discriminate.

This is technically or scientifically where the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit reside in the human brain. This is where you will hear "Do it or Don't do it" When the Cerebrum comes and says look at that money in the drawer or, why don't you cheat on your husband or wife, or Nobody is looking, why don't you lie. The Cerebellum will ask him to wait, let him consider if it is good or bad and the consequences of each action.


Most importantly, the cerebellum will take all the information it knows or gathers since it is a secretary and it is above the cerebrum in the position of authority and intelligence to the Oga and say Oga see the advantages and disadvantages of this action you want to take o.

The Cerebellum controls your movement function, your motor skills, and your balance and posture.

Now the Cerebellum controls SELF MONITORING

It recognizes bad habits and patterns, recognizes what can trigger addictions and high-risk situations, monitors all the goals you set in life, and reminds you that, the guy you are supposed to get married to, stop spending money on carrying girls, or babe, why don't you go back to school.

It is the part of the brain that knows your feelings how you have struggled in life and the next thing you need to do. When you lie on your bed at night and thoughts about things come, it is your Cerebellum that is overworking. It is simply telling you to see your life, you should have gone further than this.

Wake up!

You see all those girls on social media who will bend like plantain because they want their backside to show and be prominent are all being controlled by their cerebellum because it has been convinced that the advantages of standing like somebody who is a patient of mental condition is far greater than standing like a normal human being.

It is the same Cerebrum that convinces men to write "Can I have your number? You are pretty, where are you chatting from? Will you marry me beautiful woman? " on a picture of somebody who is clearly an AI-generated image. It has convinced them that such comments are what normal people who do not have mental disorders write to find a wife.
