Hello beautiful people. There is one area of life where self-control doesn't work at all. Your brain will be useless in this situation.

No matter how regulated, determined, and wonderful you are, you will fall. It has made great men and women lose their power and wealth, ruined destinies and as a matter of fact, it is still the biggest weapon in the hands of the enemy if they can't catch you with everything else, they will try sexual immorality.

Forget your title or position in church or society, forget the anointing and auction you carry, forget how rich you are or your prayer life, and most importantly forget that you are married. Marriage doesn't stop it. When you are married, the temptation triples because you become more attractive and blessed.

1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body”

What this passage is saying is that all other sins are outside your body so they don't affect your brain or shit it down. So if your brain and your spiritual prowess are intact, you can use the self-control techniques of your brain and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to avoid and prevent them.


But you see the one that involves sexual immorality, it originates inside your body from desires, before you do it, you have already finished doing it in your brain, in fact before you leave your house to the person's house, you already know that you will do it. That's why some ladies shave the night before that day and some guys will arrange their room that has been a dustbin for many months.

Sexual immorality will beat you hands down every time.

It paralyzes all your five senses, you will like what you see, a fine man or woman, then they wear a really sweet smelling perfume that blinds your nose, the next thing is she will cook indomie and she will use a spoon to put it in your mouth and you will also put the Fanta in her mouth, then sweet words will follow.

"Oh Nkechi, you look like a rival to the sun in your radiance today, I am sure the sun is shy" Caleb will say and Nkechi will blush.

Even when Nkechi says something that is not funny like: "Caleb go jor, how will I and sun be doing a competition, I am hotter jare." Caleb will laugh like a maniac.

Sexual immorality will make the ear deaf. By this time, your brain will be screaming. Your cerebrum, cerebellum, and Medula oblongata would have been given sleeping tablets. They can't function again. Then you will use a rope to tie the Holy Spirit by putting off the light. Chai.

Last but not least is stylish, Caleb will now touch her arm. Ah! It is finished. He will move from there to more erogenous (sensitive) areas of her body and drive her mad.

Nkechi will then place her hand on his shoulder and by that time, her brain will wear his jacket, carry his bag, and say bye-bye. See you later.

Caleb will then touch her privates, she will say "Stop jor... From stop jor, it will change to" Sto... Mmm"... And from there it will change to "Don't stop".

When they finish the act, her brain will come back drop his bag, and resume work, what blocked her eyes and ears will be removed, and her senses will return. His sense will also return, he will realize that he has gotten what he wanted and that's all onto the next target, and if he is a responsible person realize his mistake.

Some people will brag that a man or woman can be naked around them and they will not do anything. It's a lie, it is because God is helping you o. If you meet someone you really desire, before they undress, you have already committed it. Some don't even undress sef.

Don't wait until you are there to commit sexual immorality before you think to run or flee, your legs will be too weak to flee because your brain will be asleep.

That is why you must FLEE before you get there.

That is the only recommended way to beat it, prayers will not help you, and techniques and skills will not help you.

The moment the thought crosses your mind, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.
